阜宁中力阀门制造厂生产的Q61N高压承插焊球阀,三片式承插焊球阀,不锈钢承插焊球阀,选用优质锻钢,该吸引国外技术,密封面选用PEEK、碳纤维、或美国进口MTU来代替硬密封,更加耐磨、耐高压、耐高温、超底温、密封性能优越等特点。高压承插焊球阀用于高压天然气、精细化工、制药等行业的高压反应锅、也可用于高压液压压油、10%稀盐酸,也可用在细软颗粒介质输送和真空管路上使用, 售后18个月三包,12个月强制维护,可跟据客户要求设计生产,欢迎来电咨询定货。
密 封:碳纤维、PEEK、PTEFE、H、尼龙、MTU等
公称压力:1.6-42.0MPa 150Lb~2500Lb
制造材料:20#﹑1Cr18Ni9Ti﹑304﹑316﹑316L﹑F51、12Cr1Mov 钛合金 等
Funing force valve factory in the production of high-pressure Q61N socket welding ball valve, three chip forged steel ball valve, choose high quality forged steel, the attracting foreign technology, sealing surface PEEK, carbon fiber, or the United States of imported MTU to replace hard seal, wear better resistance to high pressure high temperature and super low sealing performance is superior, etc. Used in high-pressure natural gas, chemical, pharmaceutical and other industries of high pressure reaction pot, can also be used for high pressure hydraulic pressure oil, dilute hydrochloric acid 10%, can also be used in the soft particle medium transmission and vacuum tube to use on the road, 18 months after-sales, 12 months compulsory maintenance, can according to customer request design production, welcome to inquire order。
Tight seal: carbon fiber, PEEK, PTEFE, H, nylon, MTU, etc
Connection test: socket welding SW, flange, butt welding, thread, quick plug, etc
Nominal pressure: 1.6-42.0 MPa 150 lb to 2500 lb
Nominal diameter: DN6 ~ (
Applicable medium: oil, water, gas, natural gas and 10% diluted hydrochloric acid and other non corrosive or corrosive medium
Applicable temperature: 70 ℃ ~ + 360 ℃
Manufacturing materials: 20 #, 1 cr18ni9ti, 304, 304, 316 l, 12 cr1mov F51, titanium alloy, etc