The layer profiling system performs layer structural by generating tomographic images of specified cutting location from potical microscope images that are obtained by moving sequentially in the vertical direction.
Super depty measurement
A Ryoka Linnik interference objective lens equipped with an optical path compensation plate insertion mechanism allows measurement of the layer section under a transparent layer to a maximum depth 3 mm. This system is very useful for defect analysis after manufacturing of flat display panels such as plasma displays.
Vevy weak interference fringe patterns can be capured
Since our original VSI interference image creation software enables image creation from very weak interference fringe patterns that cannot be visually recognizied, foreign particle locations in multilayer film can be identified.
100 magnification interference is achieved
A Ryoka Linnik interference objective lens allows easy adjustment and observation for 100 magnification interference figures for which alignment and adjustment have been difficult.
NSIMAGIK compatible system
NSIMAGIK specifications common to various image creation systems and image processing system are fully supported. The required NSIMAGIK software can be freely selected, and future expansion of functions is possible.
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