深圳市强新鸿科技发展有限公司成立于1996年,集开发、生产、销售各种电源线、电脑线、网络线、通讯连接线缆、精密插件于一体。产品行销北京、上海、西安、成都、广州、香港等各大中城市,并远销新加坡、韩国、欧美等,得到客户一贯支持和好评。 本公司凭借多年的开发、生产管理经验,精良的设备,先进的工艺和一大批高科技专业人才的雄厚技术力量,以真诚的服务,合理的价格为广大客户提供优质产品,并能与客户协作开发、制作其特殊规格的产品,帮助增加其产品在市场上的竞争力。 客户的宝贵建议是我们进步的动力,客户的满意放心是我们追求的目标。 我们将沿着ISO---9000质量管理和质量保证体系,秉持“创新、求知、诚信”的经营理念,据以达成国内最优秀的、专业的、高品质的线缆装配及精密接插件生产厂。 Founded in 1996,Shenzhen China,Shenzhen CARVE Electronics Co;ltd. is a professionsl producer for powersupply cords ,PC cable,network cable,communication cable and precision connector.Besides domestic markets,CARVE products are also sold well in Asia,Europe,America and Africa. With years experience for R&D,production and management,with superior equipment,advanced technology and lots of professional staff,CARVE provides high quality products with reasonable price and faithful service.Not only a seller,but a partner,CARVE always keep close cooperation with customers,develop and produce s pecially designed cable and connector as per customers’ specifications,and thereforeenhance the competitiveness for customers. Customers’ requirement is the motivation to enhance ourselves,customers’satisfaction is the target for us to seek. Following ISO9000,keeping〝Creation-Acknowledge-Trust〞belief,CARVE will do best to rank top in the field of cable and connector. |