残油低,溶剂省,特别为您省钱针对广大油脂行业的需要,我们不仅承接新建油厂全套交钥匙工程,提供工艺设计、设备制造、安装调试一条龙服务,还承接老油厂的改造工程,包括设备的扩产改造、降低消耗改造等。 主要特点:安装方便,安全性能高,操作自动化程度高,动力消耗小,浸出效果好。工艺流程:预处理料由刮板输送机送入浸出车间的密封绞龙,落入平转浸出器内,被溶剂或混合油喷淋进行浸出,沥干后,湿粕落入落粕斗通过刮板输送机经密封绞龙进入蒸脱机。经过蒸脱和烘烤脱除溶剂后,输送到成品粕库。通过浸出器内过滤器过滤后的浓混合油流入混合油罐,再进入第一长管蒸发器分离溶剂蒸汽后进入第二长管蒸发器,经再次分离溶剂蒸汽后,流入汽提塔脱除残留的溶剂,所得的浸出毛油进入毛油箱,打至炼油车间。从第一长管和第二长管蒸发器、汽提塔、平转浸出器、蒸脱机出来的溶剂蒸汽引入冷凝器冷凝,冷凝后的液体流入分水器进行分水,分出的溶剂回到溶剂周转库中。从分水器和溶剂周转库等排出的废水流入煮水罐进行蒸煮后再排到水封池。各设备上部的自由气体汇集进入最后冷凝器冷凝,未凝结气体再进入吸收塔再次捕集溶剂。
Rotocel extraction complete plant(suitable for 20 ton/day or above scale)Reduce residual oil rate, save solvent.We can undertake complete plant, including the design, production, installation, debugging, also undertake reform, including to expand production and cost saving.Main trait:Convenient installation, safety, automatic operation, save electricity, good effects.Process flow:Flight conveyor transport pretreatment material into airproof screw conveyor in the solvent extraction, then into the retocel extractor to extract with solvent. Drain, the flight conveyor transport wet meal through airproof screw conveyor into the desolventizer-toaster. After desolventizing and drying, to meal storehouse.Miscella from the extractor into miscella tank, after precipitation and seperation, then into the first raising film evaporator to evaporate, next into the second raising film evaporator to evaporate too, at last, enter stripping column to evaporate residual solvent.The extraction crude oil into crude oil tank, then to refining workshop.The solvent vapour from retocel extractor, desolventizer-toaster, raising film evaporator and stripping column was introduce by condenser to condense, condensation water into water separator to separate, then the separation solvent back to solvent tank, the waster-water into waster-water boiling tank to cook, then to water seal tank.The solvent carrying-air from the top of all the equipment into last condenser to condense, the vent gas into absorbing column to recover solvent again.Main model:20t/d,30t/d,50t/d,80t/d,100t/d,150t/d,200t/d,300t/d,450t/d,600t/d,800t/d.Main equipment:Retocel extractor, Desolventizer-toaster, Condenser, Film evaporator, Stripping column, Absorbing column, Flight conveyor, Airproof screw conveyor etc.