★ 防火 (Flame proof) 800℃不燃烧,1200℃无火苗,不燃性达GB862A级。
Resistant to combustion at 800℃ and remain flameless at 1200℃.The non-flammability has resched GB8624 Grade A.
★ 防水(Waterproof) 不因水分、蒸汽、潮湿的影响而变形、变软、发霉或腐烂。
Resistant to deformation in wet environment.
★ 轻质(Weight)表面密度0.85?1.27g/cm3,建筑荷重小,是理想的轻质建材。
Light in weight(Volume weight:0.85?1.27g/cm3)
★ 超强(Strength)抗冲击、抗折、抗弯强度高、具有良好的韧性和刚性。
Bendable and resistant to impact.
★ 稳定(Incariability)湿膨胀率、热收缩率、以及干燥收缩率和挠度低,形状稳定,不变形。
Resistan to deformation in wet.hot and dry conditions.
★ 隔音(Sound insulation) 6mm厚板隔声量为29dB,有良好的隔音性能。
The sound transmission loss throgh a 6mm thick Jiayuan boards palte is 29dB.
★ 隔热(Heat Resistance) 导热系数为0.216W/(m.k),有良好的导热性能。
The thermal conductivity is 0.216W/(m.k).
★ 耐久(Durability) 不泛霜返卤,强度随时间递增,使用寿命长。
Resistant to halogen accumulation and remains stable in strength for a long time.
★ 耐寒(Cold Resistance) 耐-40℃的递增,使用寿命长。
Used for intermal walls and ceilings of cold storage rooms in a temperature as low as -40℃.
★ 易装(Installation) 可锯、可刀割,可粘、可钉、可喷漆、可贴面、握钉力强。
Easy to cut、saw、nail、strick、pait and veneer.
★ 环保(Environmental Friendilness) 不含石棉、甲醛、氨等有害物质,对食品、人体无害。
Free of asbestos.formaldehyde and ammonia.可应用于室内外装饰装修,吊顶,隔断等