该款颜色多个,花型多个,均码,12条/袋,两边系带的产品能更随意的调节腰围的自身大小,该产品能充分体现现代女性的曲线美,该产品做工精细款式新颖,价格低廉,适合内外销售的理想产品。Model # 87032 The number of color, pattern number, are key, 12 / bag, with both sides of the line products at more regulation of their waist size, the product can fully reflect the modern woman's curves United States, the product Fine work are fashionable, cheap and suitable for the sale of the ideal domestic and foreign products.(本行长期有各类库存产品,为推广业务欲与各外贸公司或翻译联手打造创造辉煌业绩,有兴趣面谈或来电咨询,非本行长期稳定的老客户索样需要样费,敬请谅解)