产品选用三年以上新鲜楠竹做成,保持楠竹香味,纸套印刷、包装精美。常规包装:100双/包、30包/箱,亦可根据客户要求定做包装,快餐店、超市均可销售。我厂专业生产一次性竹筷,出口、内销兼做,目前已出口达20个国家和地区。现已通过ISO9001:2000国际质量认证体系,以及获得自理报检权。产品保质保量,按时交货,深得客户信任和喜欢。产品双生、天削、元禄、利久、炭化、圆筷、方筷 规格20、23CM(圆筷) 21 、23、24CM(双生) 其余的21、24CM 包装裸筷、塑料包装、全封纸包、半封纸套 公司介绍: 蓝亚竹业制品厂地处长沙市东郊、海、陆、空交通便利,创办于一九九五年,起点高,技术强,设备先进,以诚信为本。专业生产经营一次性筷子,卫生竹筷,竹地板,竹菜板, 保健凉席,食品签等几个系列,上百个品种,是中南地区规模较大竹制品生产和出口基地之一,现已拥有本公司的出口商检权,产品通过ISO9001:2000质量体系认证。
一次性卫生竹筷系列产品是本厂拳头产品之一。拥有多个生产基地,年产量十万箱(1*3000双)品名有:天削、元禄、利久、双生、炭化筷、圆筷、方筷系列三十多个规格品种,产品选用三年以上新鲜楠竹为原材料,采用现代科技方法杀虫灭菌消毒处理、加工生产,既保留了楠竹的天然芳香风味和色泽,又不含有害化学物质。产品一直远销:东南亚、欧美、非洲、香港、台湾等十几个国家和地区以及国内各大城市,深受用户欢迎。 1.Directly to the manufacturer for you.2. Provide you with high quality service and favorable price, good quality.3. Varieties and specifications, packing for you to choose.4. Using above 3 years of fresh bamboo, retain bamboo fragrance.5. Through ISO9001: 2008 International Quality Certification System.6.Chopstick exports in 1995, currently exports more than 20 countries and regions. General Packing: 100 pairs / bag, 30 bags / box, can be packaged according to customer requirements, fast food shops, supermarkets may sell.
Product twins, Truncating, Yuan Lu, Li long, carbonization, round chopsticks, square chopsticks
Specifications 20,23 CM (round chopsticks) 21, 23,24 CM (twin) the rest of the 21,24 CM
Naked chopsticks packaging, plastic packaging, wrap the whole seal, semi-sealed paper cover, three-piece suit
La Ya Bamboo Products Factory is located in Asia Changsha eastern suburb, sea, land and air transportation facilities, established in 1995, a high starting point, technical strength, advanced equipment and honesty. Professional production and operation of disposable chopsticks, health bamboo chopsticks, bamboo flooring, bamboo cutting board, health care mat, food sign, and several other series, hundreds of varieties, is the Central region larger production and export of bamboo products base, and now owns the the right of the company's export commodity inspection, the product passed ISO9001: 2000 quality system certification.
Chopsticks are disposable sanitary products factory fist products. Have more than one production base with annual output of thousands of cases (1 * 3000 pairs) Item include: day cut, Yuan Lu, Li long, twin, carbonization chopsticks, chopsticks round, square chopsticks series of more than 30 specifications, product selection more than three years fresh bamboo as raw material, the use of modern methods of insect sterilization processing technology, processing, preserving the bamboo's natural aromatic flavor and color, it does not contain harmful chemicals. Products have been exported to: Southeast Asia, Europe and the United States, Africa, Hong Kong, Taiwan etc. countries and regions and major cities, popular with users.