产品介绍 本生产线适用于PVC纤维增强软管,PVC纤维增强软管又称PVC网格管,俗称塑料蛇皮管,管材为三层结构,内外两层是PVC软质塑料,中间一层是涤纶纤维增强网,具有良好的力学性能和化学性能,适于有压或有腐蚀性的气体、液体的输送,广泛应用在机械、煤矿、石油、化工、农灌、建筑、民用(太阳能热水器、煤气罐)等领域,现亦大量应用于花园、草坪的浇灌。本生产线更换部分配件,增加少许设备也可生产中间缠有PET膜带的PVC螺纹彩塑增强软管(凹凸淋浴管),这种软管十分漂亮,广泛应用于太阳能热水器等各种领域。该机组的引进,吸收了国内外先进技术,工艺先进,机组和制品质量达到国内同行业先进水平。 选用范围:建筑行业:管道用管、排水管、输气管、饮用水管、喷水管、铝塑管等。汽车行业:汽车推拉索套管、汽车尼龙管等。灯饰行业:LED灯管、彩虹管。医疗行业:气管插管、中心静脉导管、输液管、导尿管以及各种精密导管。电子行业:IC包装管、电线套管、电线电缆、热收缩管。玩具行业:变色管、螺旋管、PU发光管。餐饮行业:饮料吸管、搅拌管、多色糖棒。运动器材:多色跳绳、冲浪板安全绳索。其它行业:如园珠笔芯、圆珠笔套、打印机多色排管、圣诞拐杖、PU气管、尼龙油管、PVC增强管等。Product Introduction The line is suitable for the production of PVC fibre reinforced pipe.The kinds of pipe is made of three layers structure.The inner and the outer layers will be made of PVC plastics and the middle layer is made of terylene fibre reinforced net.The pipe is suitable for the conveying of corrosive gas or liquid.It can be widely used in the industries of machinery,coal mine,oil,chemical plant,agricultrual irrigation,building,solar water,coal gas pot,etc. After changing some parts or add some equipments,the line is suitable for the production of PVC screw thread colored pipe(shower pipe) with PET film inside. It has beautiful appearance and is used in solar water heater and so on.Range of choice:
Construction industry: pipelines pipes, drains, gas pipelines, water pipe, water pipe, aluminum pipe.
Automotive Industry: Automotive pushing cable casing, automotive nylon tubes.
Lighting Industry: LED lamp, rainbow tube.
Medical industry: endotracheal intubation, central venous catheter, infusion tube, catheter and a variety of sophisticated catheter.
Electronics industry: IC packaging tubes, wire tube, wire and cable, heat shrinkable tube.
Toy industry: color tube, spiral pipe, PU LED.
Food Industry: drink straw, mixing tube, multi-colored candy bar.
Sports equipment: multi-color rope skipping, surfboard safety rope.
Other industries: like a garden bead cartridge, pen sets, printers, multi-colored pipes, Christmas crutches, PU tube, Nylon tubing, PVC pipe and other enhancements. 主要技术参数 Main Technical Specification SJ-45SJ-65SJ45挤出机ExtruderΦ45/25Φ65/25Φ45/25*2Φ30/25管径范围Range of pipe dia/mmΦ6-258-38Φ8-20生产能力Output/kg/h35-6535-8030-50装机容量Installed capacity/kw39.366.328平均能耗Average power consumption/kw27.539.7820.8外形尺寸Dimensions(L*W*H)/m12*3*1.413*4*1.512*3*1.4机器重量Total weigh/T4.565.0