These components are mainly used in aerospace, petrochemical, rubber and plastics industries, and the like. It can be used to heat still or flowing air, water, oil, nitrate, alkali and other kinds of liquid. It can also be used to melt light metal or to heat metal moulds. It has advantages such as simple structure, long lifetime, high thermal efficiency, reliable and safe operation and so on.
远威,一个专业致力于工业用电加热器产品的研发与制造企业,拥 有一支经验丰富的研发、制造、管理团队,依靠先进实用的企业管理模式,坚持以科技创新为企业核心,积极采用新工艺、新材料,采 取先进完善的检测手段,使我们的产品使用寿命更长、绝缘性更好、加热更均匀、功率密度高达8W/cm2,加热范围可达130-1200℃。二十年的制造经验使我们拥有众多规格的电加 热器产品及接线方式,可满足不同行业的各种复杂应用,可按客户需求提供最佳工艺方案。
我公司始终奉行诚信、进取、高效、卓越的企业精神,并期盼着与国内国际各界朋友和企业携手合 作,共创美好未来!