视频信号浪涌保护器 八沣防雷器 用于同轴数据和视频通讯系统的雷电防护。产品采用先进的浪涌防护技术和一流的雷电保护器件精心制成,不仅为屏蔽层和芯线导体提供高能粗级保护和低能量的精细保护,而且提供屏蔽层和芯线导体的对地共模保护。可用于监控系统。通流容量大、多级保护、响应速度快、插入损耗小。过压、过流、稳压三级保护! 80×25×25mm技术参数接口形式InputBNC/FOutputBNC/M特性阻抗Z075Ω最大持续工作电压Uc6V20MHz/40MHz插入损耗 0.5dB/20MHz0.5dB/40MHz20MHz /40MHz驻波比(VSWR)VSWR≤1.10/20MHz≤1.2 /40MHz标称放电电流( 8/20μs ):芯-屏蔽层/芯-地Isn5kA最大放电电流(8/20μs):芯-屏蔽层/芯-地Imax10kAInstallation and maintained:
Input use to import and output use to export, join between grounded lead and grounded generatrix of lightning-proof system should be reliable. Add a protector between import and export in series, if thunderbolt rarely, only need add a protector in equipment which will be protected
Put protect as near to protected equipment as you can
Protector no needs special care, if it is broken by high voltage or lighting, please replace it by new one附:中、英文说明书