精耀GS B100K单联电位器R1610N- D5 Mechanical characteristics机械特性:Total rotational angle
全回转角度 300 degrees ±5 degrees Rotational torque
回转力度2~20mN.m(20 to 200gf.cm) Rotation stopper strength
止回转角度0.7N.m(7kgf.cm)Push pull strength
轴推拉强度70N(7kgf)Click position
C.C.位子Center,11,21,31,41 detentElectrical characteristics电器特性:Total resistance
总阻值5KΩ~2MΩTotal resistance tolerance
总阻值允许差±20% (more then 1 MΩ±30%)Rated power
定格电力curve B:0.125W ,
other then B:0.06WMax. operating voltage
最高使用电压curve B:200VAC ,
other then B:150VACResistance taper
阻值线性A,B,CSlide noise
滑动噪音less than 47mvResidual resistance
残留阻值R≥250 KΩ 0.01% max. of total resistance
250 KΩ>R>10 KΩ 20Ω max.
10 KΩ≥R 10 Ω max.Insulation resistance
绝缘抵抗more than 100MΩ at 500VDCTracking
相互偏差-40 to 0db≤3dbRotational life
回转寿命15000 cyclesFor more information, visit our website or contact our head office