密西根 方形三分力|三维力|三向力|三轴力传感器FC-TR3D-B-*

• 量 程 0~100N;0~1110N; 0~4540N; 0~18140N;0~ 72570N
• 精度等级 0.05%
线性误差%SN 0.5输出型号 4.5mV/V工作温度 -40~+149电 缆 2.54m
• 测量三方向的压缩力与张力
• 高质量,低成本
• 不受环境干扰
• 温度补偿
• 结实的不锈钢构造
可以用来测量车身安装和引擎安装的受力情况。 它们也可被配置为兼容多种用途
1000 lb, 4000 lb, and 16000 lb capacity 多量程选择454KG/1814KG/7257KG
• Measures forces in three directions in
tension and compression X/Y/Z三轴方向拉压力
• High-quality, low-cost load cell
• Environmentally protected
• Temperature compensated 温度自补偿
• Rugged stainless steel construction
Full Scale Output 4.5 mV/V, nominal, all channels
Sensor 3 four-arm strain gage bridges
Nonlinearity 0.5% of full scale output
Hysteresis 0.05% of full scale output
Repeatability 0.05% of full scale output
Zero Balance Within ± 10.0% of rated output at zero load
Temperature Range, Compensated* 75°F to 200°F (24°C to 93°C)
Temperature Effect on Zero <0.5% full scale
Temperature Range, Useable -40°F to 300°F (-40°C to 149°C)
Excitation Voltage, Maximum 10V DC or AC rms
Insulation Resistance, Bridge/Case Exceeds 5000 MΩ
Standard cable length (bare leads) 10 ft per channel
Weight 0.07 lbs (0.03 kg) 0.60 lbs (0.27 kg) 5.00 lbs (2.27 kg)