L.D.P (landed duty paid)是贸易方式的一种,由卖方负责运费、保险费、出口清关,送至买家地点。 本公司是专业的服装出口货运公司,有多年的服装国际货运经验,可以圆满地解决您和采购商之间的难题。我司可以提供海运、美国进口清关、提供进口许可证、缴纳任何进口税捐、完税拖车到门的服务。 当您碰到以上难题,请联系我们来为您解决! 深圳星霖国际货运代理有限公司是经深圳市工商行政管理局批准成立的国际货物运输代理企业,成立于2004年。公司多年来秉承服务以客户为本的精神,致力于以我们的专业为客户提供高品质的服务!星霖庞大、高效的服务网络遍布全球,在美国东、西岸、加拿大、欧洲、澳洲、东南亚、日本、地中海、中东、中南美、南非等拥有代理一百多家,确保每票货物在起运港及目的港均能获得最佳和有效的处理及付运。 星霖的专业经营范围涵盖广泛,涉及:国际货运代理、速递业务、货物进出口、技术进出口,可承办进出口货物的国际运输,包括:海运、陆运、空运,代理订舱、拖车、仓储、中转、拼箱、报关、报验、保险等相关业务。
星霖的服务理念:以专业,成就您的效率与品质! Shenzhen Star World Int'l Shipping Agencies Ltd is an international freight forwarder group, which is approved by Shenzhen Municipal Government in 2004.We have been insisting on supplying the best service to customers as our service spirit for years.
The Star World's huge and highly effective service network distributes the whole world. We have large range of agencies in all around the world covering east and west America, Canada, Europe, Australia, Southeast Asia, Japan, Mediterranean, Middle East, Middle and South Africa, we can ensure the shipment be effectively handled in both port of loading and port of destination.
The Star World's specialized management range is included: international transportation, express service, cargo and technical importing and exporting agencies service. Also with rich experience in all aspects of transporting filed, we can easily meet all kinds of requests made by our customer like marine transportation, aero transportation, inland transportation, space booking, truck arranging, warehousing, transshipping, consolidation, custom inspection, insurance and etc.
The Star World's customers are distributed in many kinds of profession: textile, IT, household electrical appliances, medicine, everyday using consumables, agricultural product and etc. Several famous enterprises in local and many kinds of other enterprises are enjoying our service now!
The Star World's service concept:
With our specialization, to achieve your highly efficiency and quality!