Model No.: E-3032、治疗原理
Treatment Principle引进美国先进的强脉冲光和双级射频技术,一方面利用强脉冲光的光热解原理,击碎病变色素团,达到治疗表皮层和真皮层病变色素类问题的目的,同时强脉冲光刺激胶原蛋白和弹力纤维,使其产生生物刺激效应进而达到美白嫩肤、收缩毛孔的作用;另一方面,双级射频同时释放能量,利用探头发出高达10Mhz的高频率电磁波使皮肤内的分子因摩擦而产生热能,温度到达68度—72度时,热能使得胶原蛋白收缩,并不断再生、重组,因此达到祛除皱纹、紧致肌肤的效果。 Applying the technology of IPL and Bi-polar Radio Frequency, the system acts on the entire corium layer, epidermal layer and subcutaneous tissue. On one hand, IPL destroys pathological pigments by photothermolysis effect, and stimulates the collagen and elastic fiber and gets the effect of tightening and whitening, on the other hand, bio-polar RF release about 10 MHZ radio wave, high frequency vibration makes the skin molecule creating heat energy by friction, when the temperature reaches 68℃-72℃, the collagens extend will reproduce and recombine, enhance getting the effect of tightening skin and removing wrinkles.3、适用范围
Application Range:祛皱:祛除真性、假性皱纹Wrinkles: removing true wrinkle and pseudo wrinkle 祛斑:祛除雀斑、黄褐斑、老年斑、晒斑、真皮斑等;Removing freckle, Chloasma, age pigment, sunburn, chorioplaque, etc.祛色素:红面、红血丝、红斑、暗疮印、酒糟鼻等;Pigments removal: red face, and red capillary, acne, acne scar, bottle nose etc.脱毛 Hair Removal嫩肤:全身美白嫩肤Skin Rejuvenation: Whole body lightening and tightening4、技术优势 1 具有强脉冲光能和射频技术的所有优势,治疗效果更显著。Applying all the advantages of IPL and RF technique, treatment effect is more conspicuous2 超豪华彩色触摸屏,智能化控制系统,超大的16组存储容量,使性能更稳定。Super deluxe color touch screen, intelligent control system, 16 group storage capacity with more steady performance.3 非手术、非侵入的科学性。Scientificity of non-operative and non-invasive4 无痛、无创、无痕、无需恢复期的舒适性Comfort of painless, non-invasive, traceless, no recovery period.5治疗时间短、见效时间快、保持时间长的高效性。High efficiency of short treatment time, quick effect, and long maintenance.6表皮冷却系统针对性可调的安全性。Safety, with corium cooling system of pertinency adjustable .7双治疗头设计,针对性更强。Double hand piece (SR, HR), make treatment more targeted.5、技术参数Technique ParameterRF高频电能:10MHZRF Intense Electric Energy: 1MHZ光能量:
0-50J/C㎡Light Energy:
5-25J/ C㎡Short Pulse:5-25J/ C㎡中脉冲:
5-35J/ C㎡Middle Pulse: 5-35J/ C㎡长脉冲:
5-45 J/ C㎡Long Pulse: 5-45 J/ C㎡光谱范围:
530-1200nmSpectra: 530-1200nm冷却: