HF-R1200 系列圆弧抛光机 Arc-edge Polishing Mac hine HF-R圆弧抛光机是我厂的传统产品,它可以把任何级别的抛光砖和石材进行弧面加工而成为靓丽的梯级砖和地脚线。该机生产过程全自动运作,操作简单方便,可随意调节生产线的速度,可随意调节所加工的圆弧面的大小。亦可抛光45°的斜面。产品光泽度高,生产效率高,可附加吹干和打蜡,使产品可即时装箱外运。选用鸿发圆弧抛光机,助你企业腾飞。HF-R Arc polishing machine is our traditional product.It can process all levels of polishing tiles and stones on the arc surfaces and produce beautiful step tiles and foundation lines.The whole productive course performs automatically and it is easy to operate.The speed of the production assembly and the size of the surface are adjustable.It can even polish the gradient surface of 45°The product is featured by high polishing ability and productivity.It can also be attached the drying and waxing settings,so you can pack and deliver the products immediately.Hongfa's arc polishing machines are the best choiu for you. HF-R1200 TECHNICAL DATA型号Model单位/UnitlHF-R10HF-R14 HF-R20输送带数量Numbers of conveying belt条/pc11 1抛光磨头数量Numbers of polishing head个/pc1014 20抛光磨头直径Dia of polishing headMmΦ100Φ100 Φ125倒角磨边轮数量Numbers of chamfering wheel个/pc56 6倒角磨边轮直径Dia of chamfering wheelMmΦ150Φ150-Φ200 Φ150-Φ200开槽数量Numbers of slots条/pc2-42-4 2-4开槽刀片直径Dia of the saw bladeMmΦ150Φ150 Φ150气动倒边角磨头数量Numbers of pneumatic chamfering head个/pc11 1气动倒边角磨头直径Dia of pneumatic chamfering headMmΦ100Φ100 Φ100吹干出风口Numbers of drying meatus个/pc22 2工作宽度Working widthMm80-100080-1200 80-1200抛光速度Polishing speedm/min3-44-6 6-10加工砖厚度Working thicknessMm6-306-30 6-30总功率Total powerKw2933 36耗气量Air consumptionL/min5055 55外型尺寸Dimensionm×m×m6.5×2.2×1.87.9×2.2×1.8 8×2.2×1.8重量WeightKg40005300 6000