黄江信源现货供应德国SOGELUB MD3 EP2是优质的长寿润滑脂。是诺斯达回流焊机的润滑脂。适用于所有贴片机的丝杆导轨的润滑。
MD3 EP2 - Multi Purpose Grease
This grease MD 3 EP 2 is characterized by a very good resistance to high pressure and humidity. It reduces wear and protects against corrosion. It is used on ball, roller and plain bearings, threaded spindles and slide ways in industry (iron, paper, chemicals). It is also recommended to lubricate the bearings of vehicles, such as lorries, tractors, cranes, harvesters and cars.
Multipurpose grease
Temperature range: -20℃ up to 140℃
Pourpoint: 185℃
Colour: yellow
Thickener: Lithium