LWL卧式螺旋卸料过滤离心机LWLHorizontal Screw Unloading Centrifuge Filtration ■ 工作原理How To Work悬浮液从进料管进入螺旋内腔,并通过螺旋小头接近锥端底部的喷料口进入转鼓,在离心力场作用下料浆中的液相通过设置在转壁上的筛网被分离出去,固相颗粒则被截留在转鼓内;同时,转鼓内的固相颗粒在离心力和螺旋与转鼓之间的差速作用下从转鼓小端向转鼓大端运动,在此运动过程中,由于回转直径的加大,离心力得到快速递增,固相从初始进入时的高含湿量固相到排出转鼓时达到低含湿量固相,从而实现固液相自动、连续的分离。
但因其分离原理和结构特性,其对物料的针对性也较强,在选型时应进行物料分析和相应的试验,以确定其适用和分离性能。The feed liquid / slurry is introduced to the centrifuge through a feed tube and into the feed distribution chamber, and is jetted into the drum through the hole near the cone point of the scroll. Under centrifugal force the solids separate from the liquid and settle against the bowl wall, while the clarified liquid exits over the overflow screen. The solids in the conical drum are conveyed up from the smaller end to the bigger end while the scroll turns at a slightly different speed. The bigger diameter is, the bigger centrifugal force produces to separate the liquid/solids.
The solids are dried when they are drained out the drum.
LWL horizontal scroll centrifuge is the one with low energy consumption, stable performance and good separating effectiveness. It is widely applied to chemical, foodstuffs, salts, mining and pharmacy industries. The separation processing from feeding to dewatering, cleaning and discharging is continuous with high processing efficiency and degree of automation. It is the advanced separation equipment.
Given the working principle and its structure, this model of centrifuges is not applied to all materials. So it needs to test and analyze the materials before selecting this model.■主要特点Features1、转鼓、螺旋等主要零件可用耐蚀不锈纲、钛合金制造。2、专用过滤网,滤网厚度达2.5mm,使用寿命更长。3、转鼓转速无级调速。4、螺旋差转速的可调、有级或无级调速。5、简单可靠的润滑方式。6、安全保护:转速检测,过振动保护,电机过载过热保护,螺旋零差速保护。7、对于高粘度物料,可选用液压差速器,工作稳定可靠。1、The Drum and scroll are made of stainless steel or titanium2、Filter screen with 2.5mm thickness long life.3、Stepless speed regulation for the drum.4、Adjustable of the differential speed with step of stepless regulation.5、Simple lubrication.6、Safety protection: Rotation rate detection, vibration protection, overload and overheat protection for the motor, protection when zero differential speed.7、For the highly sticky materials, use hydraulic differential speed gear, stable and reliable.■技术参数Technical Parameters型号转鼓直径mm转鼓转速r/min分离因数进料量