High voltage polypropylene film capacitor
为无感结构,用金属化聚丙烯薄膜作为电介质和铝箔为电极绕制而成,导线采用镀锡铜包钢丝,使用环氧树脂密封。Are non-inductively wound with polypropylene film as the dielectric and aluminum foil as the electrode with copper-clad steelleads and cpoxy resin coated.
●优异的频率和温度特性Excellent frequency and temperature characteristics
●高频损耗小,内部温升极小,可靠性高Low loss at high frequency,extremely small inherent temperature rise,high reliability
●负电容量温度系数且稳定性好Negative temperature coefficient of capacitance and good stability
●专为彩电及监视器的行逆程电路设计,适用于高脉冲,大电流电路Specially designed for horizontal resonance circuits of colour TV set and large screen monitor,suitable for high pulse and large current loadiny circuit