RADWAG(瑞德威)是欧洲波兰最大的电子天平生产商(世界第天平), 也是欧洲及世界最重要的生产商之一。Radwag在波兰有它自己的场地,生产世界一流的衡器包括彩色触摸屏智能化电子天平系列,提供丰富多样的现代化天平,适用于实验室,工业, 医疗,汽车制造和控制等行业。
ISO质量系统ISO Quality System RADWAG is the biggest producer of electronic weighing instruments in Poland. In 2002 it implemented Quality Management System ISO 9001:2000, and in 2007 ISO 13485 (medical products). more >> Certifying Body TÜV Saarland e.V.more >>It has performed certification of quality management system of RADWAG for compatibility with norm DIN EN ISO 9001:2000. The reliablity of our quality management system is guaranteed by annual control audits carried out by notified bodies, supervising our company. The Quality Management System introduced in Radwag has been acknowledged by the following European institutions: Ceský Metrologický Institut Czech notified body according to directive 90/384/EEC - NAWI and 2004/22/WE - MID. It performs test certificates for prototypes of RADWAG weighing instruments and issues EC Certificate of Type Compatibility. CMI has performed certification of RADWAG quality management system for compatibility with directive 90/384/EEC and 2004/22/WE. TÜV Rheinland German notified body according to directive 93/42/EEC and for evaluation of quality management system of manufacturers of medical instruments. TUV Rheinland has certified RADWAG for compatibility with directive 93/42/EEC; attachment V and norm EN ISO 13485:2003. Main Mining Institute Notified body according to directive 94/9/EC - ATEX and for quality management system of manufactureres who produce equipment for operation in explosive zones. It performs complete tests of prototypes for operation in explosive zones and issues Test Certificate Type EC. RADWAG has received an Announcement on Quality Assurance from Main Mining Institute in Poland. Measuring Laboratory of Radwag has been created and selected as an independent body in the structure of Radwag company. In 2004, Radwag Measuring Laboratory was granted accreditation from Polish Centre for Accreditation (AP 069), akcnowledging its competence and conformity of Quality Management Systems with the requirements of the International Standard - PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005. Polish Centre of Accreditation Polish body for accreditation of laboratories. It has confirmed Measuring Laboratory of RADWAG to be compatible with norms of ISO/IEC 17025:2001.
产品证书Products certificatesMetrological CertificatesCentral Office of Measures Polish notified body according to directive 90/384/EEC - NAWI. It performs complete tests on RADWAG prototypes of weighing instruments and issues Conformity Certificate Type EC. ?eský Metrologický Institut Czech notified body according to directive 90/384/EEC - NAWI and 2004/22/WE - MID. It performs test certificates for prototypes of RADWAG weighing instruments and issues EC Certificate of Type Compatibility. CMI has performed certification of RADWAG quality management system for compatibility with directive 90/384/EEC and 2004/22/EC. Nederlands Meetinstituut National Type Evaluation Program American notified body. It performs complete tests of weighing instruments on compatibility with norms valid on territory of USA.
Meteorology Law of the People's Republic of China Chinese Certifying Office has performed tests on RADWAG weighing instruments and issued type approval document for RADWAG laboratory balances. Sanayi Ve Ticaret Bakanligi Ukraine State Metrological System Russian Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology Special CertificatesT