供应粉碎机 中速粉碎机 机边粉碎机 小型碎料机 矿泉水瓶粉碎机
厦门巨亿工贸有限公司 主营:冷水机-模温机-粉碎机-混合机-烤箱-干燥机-吸料机-振动筛粉机-机边回收机-除湿机 |
![](http://i01.c.aliimg.com/images/cn/others/detail_info/24/bar1.gif) | 产品展示 | ![](http://i04.c.aliimg.com/images/cn/others/detail_info/24/bar2.gif) |
![](http://i01.c.aliimg.com/images/cn/others/detail_info/24/bar1.gif) | 产品规格 | ![](http://i04.c.aliimg.com/images/cn/others/detail_info/24/bar2.gif) |
产品特点: | 1、入料斗、粉碎刀具、筛网钧可轻易拆卸,清洗方便。 Easy-disassembly dsign make the door for material incoming .cutter and breaker filler disassemble very easy. 2、马达附有过负荷保护装置,并有电源连锁保护系统,操作、清洗绝对安全. The motor is provided with safeguard of over-load chain safeguard system of power ,so it is very safe when operation and purify. 3、设计独特,马力最小,效率却佳,并备有双层消音设备,噪音低。 The design is unique ,the power is the smallest ,but the efficiency is the highest ,and it is provided with Double-silencer ,so the noise is very small. 4、筛网孔径标准配置为8MM,其它规格可接受订做。 The screw hole diameter of the steel screen is 8mm, and the secification can customize. 5、进料斗和筛网可接受订做为不锈钢,专业粉碎透明料及白料、医疗用品,方便清洗,避免有污点。 While smash the transparent raw material with the white raw material ,enter the material to please with screen net to order to make into the stainless steel ,so as not to while smashing varnish to can shed off. | | | 应用范围: | 1.塑胶,橡胶工业 Plastic,rubber industry 2.制鞋业 System shoe industry |
![](http://i01.c.aliimg.com/images/cn/others/detail_info/24/bar1.gif) | 产品描述 | ![](http://i04.c.aliimg.com/images/cn/others/detail_info/24/bar2.gif) |
生产厂家能力: 性能及优点: 产品包装: 产品用途: 售后服务: |