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曾经理 13828494689 QQ 48059613梁经理 13926045990 QQ 503206178宝洁公司生产甘油已超过150年的历史,共拥有三个系列的产品,即Superol®、Star®和Moon®。其中Superol®是具美国药典、美国食典、欧洲药典、清真洁食等多项认证,主要用于制药、食品及个人护理领域,Superol®的纯度为99.7%而Star®的纯度为96.7%。Moon®系列是由宝洁委托当地厂家按照宝洁的要求代工的产品,不具备食品认证及欧洲药典认证,杂质含量相比Superol®、Star®来得稍微高一些,但同样具备99.7%的纯度,并符合USP标准,适用于一般的工业生产。 Superol®系列共有四个品种: Superol K Glycerine 99.7% USP/FCC (Kosher) Superol KNP Glycerine 99.7% USP/FCC (Kosher Not for Passover) Superol V Glycerine 99.7% USP/FCC (all-vegetable) Superol NK Glycerine 99.7% USP/FCC (non-kosher) Star®系列共有两个品种: Star K Glycerine 96% USP/FCC (Kosher) Star NK Glycerine 96% USP/FCC (non-kosher) Moon®系列共有两个品种: Moon NK Glycerine 99.7% USP (non-kosher) Moon K Glycerine 99.7% USP (Kosher) 宝洁公司对Superol K产品的描述如下:Superol K Glycerine is produced at P&G Chemicals’ Cincinnati plant. It is manufactured entirely from naturally occurring tropical oils (coconut, palm, and palm kernel). 宝洁公司对Moon K产品的描述如下:Moon K Glycerine is produced at P&G Chemicals’ approved and audited facility, but isn’t necessarily owned by P&G. It is manufactured entirely from naturally occurring tropical oils (coconut, palm, and palm kernel). 所有产品中以Superol K为最优,故制药及食品领域推荐使用该产品。 以下是宝洁公司针对三个系列产品所提供的指标对照表 Chemical PropertiesSuperolTMGlycerin 99.7% USP/FCC/EP* K ,K N P,V ,N KStarTMGlycerin 96% USP/FCC K ,NKMoonTMGlycerin 99.7% USP/FCC K ,NK USP and Food GradeUSP and Food GradeUSP and FoodGlycerol,% (Bosart & Snoddy table)99.7 min (99.9)96.7 min (96.3)99.7 min (99.9)Specific Gravity -(25 deg C)1.2613 min (1.2618)1.2517? 1.2531 (1.2514)1.2613 min (1.2618)Assay (% Glycerine on Anhydrous Basis)99.0 -101.099.0 -101.099.0 -101.0Moisture,%0.3 max4.0 max0.3 maxColor APHA (Pt-Co Hazen Scale)10 max (6)10 max (6)20 maxResidue on Ignition,% / ppm0.007/70 max0.007/70 max0.007/70 maxChlorides,% / ppm (as Chlo-rine)0.001/10 max0.001/10 max0.001/10 maxSulfates,% / ppm0.002/20 max0.002 /20 max0.002 /20 maxHeavy Metals (as Pb),% / ppm0.0001/1 max0.0001/1 max0.0001/1 maxChlorinated Com pounds (as Cl), % / ppm0.003/30 max0.003/30 max0.003/30 maxFatty Acids and EstersNMT 0.3 ml (0.13)NMT 0.3 ml (0.13)NMT 1.0 mlIdentification by IRPasses test as GlycerinePasses test as GlycerinePasses test as GlycerineIdentification by GCPasses test as GlycerinePasses test as GlycerinePasses test as GlycerineDiethlyene Glycol (DEG)