厂家直销VGA/5BNC 5芯同轴线
HD15PM(或F) TO 5*BNCM(或F),5C同轴线做,镀锡铜导体,画面清晰,传输效果好.!
VGA 公插头(通常位于显示器侧)
VGA色版分辨率VGA的色彩系统可以向前相容于EGA和CGA转换器,而它在其上又新增了一种设定。CGA可以显示16种色彩,EGA则将其扩充成从64种颜色色版选出的16色模式(即红绿蓝各2 bits)。VGA则更将其扩充成256种颜色色版,但为了向前相容,一次只能选择256种之中的64种(例如第一个64种颜色集合、第二个…)。所以一个。它们也不相容于较老旧的显示器,将造成诸如 overscan、闪烁、垂直滚动、缺乏水平同步等等缺点。因为如此,多数的商业软件使用的 VGA 调适都限制在显示器的“安全界线”之下,例如 320×400(双倍分辨率,2 video pages)、320×240(方形像素,3 video pages)和 360x480(最高的相容分辨率,1 video page)。
一般在VGA接头上,会1,5,6,10,11,15等标明每个接口编号。如果没有,如上图所示编号。 VGA接口15根针,其对应接口定义如下: 1.红基色 red 2.绿基色 green 3.蓝基色 blue 4.地址码 ID Bit(也有部分是RES,或者为ID2显示器标示位2) 5.自测试 ( 各家定义不同 )(一般为GND) 6.红地 7.绿地 8.蓝地 9.保留 ( 各家定义不同 )(KEY··我也不是很理解) 10. 数字地 11.地址码(ID0显示器标示位0) 12.地址码(ID1显示器标示位1) 13.行同步 14.场同步 15.地址码 ( ID3或显示器标示位3 )[1][2]
How do I connect a monitor with 5 BNC connections to VGA card ?The monitors which have 5 BNC connector inputs are easy cases because the signals they need are similar to the ones VGA card gives. The only difference that those monitors use 5 high quality BNC connectors instead of cheap 15 pin VGA connector.
There are ready made cables available because they are used with some high end PC displays and some workstations. If you want to make your own cable then look at the following diagram which is based on recommended cable diagram published in one Nokia monitor manual. The original circuit digram in the manual had some mistakes, but I have corrected all mistakes form the picture I have found.
This kind of monitor cables are available ready made on good computer ships, so you don't necessarily have to make one yourself (unless you want to). The grounding arrangements can vary slightly from cable to cable, the signal connections are the same in commercial cables.
Other wiring method suggested in "Notes on Video Conversion" by Samuel M. Goldwasser:
Coax Center Coax Shield
Red Video (1) Red Return (6)
Green Video (2) Green Return (7)
Blue Video (3) Blue Return (8)
H Sync (13) Ground (5,10)
V Sync (14) Ground (5,10)
You can use either of those wiring schemes, both should work well and perform in the same way.
Here are some tips how to make the connection correctly: