世界第一艺术品牌毕加索(Picasso,1881~1973)出生在西班牙马加拉,是当代西方最具创造性并生产最深远影响的艺术家之一,他本人和作品在世界艺术史上占据了不朽的地位,一生辉煌之至。他是有史一开第一个在世时就亲眼看到自己的作品被收藏进卢浮宫的画家。当今全世界前10名最高拍卖价的画作里面,毕加索的作品就占据了6幅。毕加索的油画《拿烟斗的男孩》以1亿416万美元的天价售出,一举刷新绘画作品拍卖的世界记录,成为目前世界上最昂贵的画。1999年12月在法国被当选为20世纪最伟大的十个画家之首。毕加索说:“我的每一幅画中都装有我的血,这就是我的画的含义。”难怪连世界首富比尔·盖茨都要收藏毕加索名画了!Picasso (1881-1973) was born in Malalga , Spain . He is wiadely acknowledge to be one of the most significant artists in the 20th century . With his virtuosity in every field of art and co-founding of cubim , his works have an extremely important and pervasive position in art history . Picasso is the first living artist to see hia works collected in the Louvre Museum in Paris .Today ,of the toy ten highest auction values for paintings ,six are his .His painy\ting Garxon a la Pioe (Boy with a Pipe ) was sold for $104,168,000, breaking the record for the amount paid foer an auctioned painting and is the moet expensive painting by far in the world .Picasso once said that “My blood is in each of my paintings and this is the meaning of my creations .”No wnder the richest man on earth Bill Gates is to be a collector of Picasso’s work !世界第一艺术品牌毕加索(Picasso,1881~1973)出生在西班牙马加拉,是当代西方最具创造性并生产最深远影响的艺术家之一,他本人和作品在世界艺术史上占据了不朽的地位,一生辉煌之至。他是有史一开第一个在世时就亲眼看到自己的作品被收藏进卢浮宫的画家。当今全世界前10名最高拍卖价的画作里面,毕加索的作品就占据了6幅。毕加索的油画《拿烟斗的男孩》以1亿416万美元的天价售出,一举刷新绘画作品拍卖的世界记录,成为目前世界上最昂贵的画。1999年12月在法国被当选为20世纪最伟大的十个画家之首。毕加索说:“我的每一幅画中都装有我的血,这就是我的画的含义。”难怪连世界首富比尔·盖茨都要收藏毕加索名画了!Picasso (1881-1973) was born in Malalga , Spain . He is wiadely acknowledge to be one of the most significant artists in the 20th century . With his virtuosity in every field of art and co-founding of cubim , his works have an extremely important and pervasive position in art history . Picasso is the first living artist to see hia works collected in the Louvre Museum in Paris .Today ,of the toy ten highest auction values for paintings ,six are his .His painy\ting Garxon a la Pioe (Boy with a Pipe ) was sold for $104,168,000, breaking the record for the amount paid foer an auctioned painting and is the moet expensive painting by far in the world .Picasso once said that “My blood is in each of my paintings and this is the meaning of my creations .”No wnder the richest man on earth Bill Gates is to be a collector of Picasso’s work ! 世界第一艺术品牌毕加索(Picasso,1881~1973)出生在西班牙马加拉,是当代西方最具创造性并生产最深远影响的艺术家之一,他本人和作品在世界艺术史上占据了不朽的地位,一生辉煌之至。他是有史一开第一个在世时就亲眼看到自己的作品被收藏进卢浮宫的画家。当今全世界前10名最高拍卖价的画作里面,毕加索的作品就占据了6幅。毕加索的油画《拿烟斗的男孩》以1亿416万美元的天价售出,一举刷新绘画作品拍卖的世界记录,成为目前世界上最昂贵的画。1999年12月在法国被当选为20世纪最伟大的十个画家之首。毕加索说:“我的每一幅画中都装有我的血,这就是我的画的含义。”难怪连世界首富比尔