欧式古典与现代风格的结合,典雅华贵,广泛用于酒店大堂,办公会客室,高级会所乃至家居装修等各种中高端场所。 企业名称: 佛山市禅城区欧谷装饰工艺厂
企业简介: 佛山市禅城区欧谷装饰工艺厂是专业设计、加工、销售钛金装饰砖(金晶砖)的著名品牌,拥有多项钛金装饰砖生产专利,在同行业中具有人才、设备、技术优势。欧谷金晶砖表面晶莹剔透似水晶玛瑙,镀金镀银尽显雍容华贵,艺术图案丰富多彩,是当今最时尚、个性、奢华的瓷砖,深受用户和设计师的青睐,广泛应用于各种高档装饰场所,总能画龙点睛,与众不同!----------------------------------Ougu Ceramics is a famous art brand of ceramics, we specialize in design, manufacture and distribution of polished crystal tile with many producing patents of polished crystal tile, we take a leading place in the same trade for the advantages we have on talents, equipment and technique. Ougu Ceramics incorporates mosaic, polished tile, carpet effect and metal texture, with a crystal-agate like surface, elegant gold or silver gild, colorful art patterns, it is the most fashionable, distinctive and luxurious ceramic and very popular for users and designers, it is out of the common as it is widely used in various top-grade decorating places.
企业类型: 生产企业
成立时间: 2008-12-10成立
地 区: 广东佛山市