常州市华新静电材料厂(原:武进市横林陶庄橡塑制品厂)是生产、开发系列防静电产品的专业化厂家。主要产品有:永久性防静电PVC塑料地板,防静电橡胶条,防静电密封嵌条等。公司位于横林镇西工业园区,占地面积约14000平方米,拥有建筑面积7000平方米现代化办公楼和功能完善的生产车间。自1993年成立至今,注册资金为100万人民币,已经发展成拥有工人155人,技术人员32人的大规模企业。本厂还通过ISO9001-2000认证和ISO14000认证。永久性防静电塑料地板是以聚氯乙烯树脂为主体,利用塑料粒子界面形成的道静电网络,使其具有永久性防静电性能,外观酷似大理石花纹,具有较好的装饰效果。且具有耐磨,耐腐,防静电持久,耐老化,发尘量低等特点。我公司经过多年潜心研发出新型防静电PVC地板,成功的解决了不耐磨、不耐污的缺陷。新型产品表面经过特殊处理产生一种高耐污,高耐磨的介质层,完全封闭了PVC板材表面的毛细孔,不会吸附灰尘等污渍,易打理,免打蜡。更有效的保证了PVC防静电地板的使用性能和使用寿命。各项性能指标经信息产业部防静电监督检验中心测试均达到或超过国内外同类产品水平。在当前激烈的市场竞争中工厂全体员工决心在工厂高层领导下团结奋斗,勇于开拓,不断创新,以优质的产品,美好的环境,促进工厂持续、有效、高速地发展,不断增强顾客及相关方的满意Changzhou Huaxin Electrostatic Materials Factory is located in the industrial park to the west of Henglin Town, Changzhou. It is specializing in the development and manufacturing of antistatic product series including permanent antistatic PVC plastic floorboards, antistatic rubber strips and antistatic sealing filler rods etc.Permanent antistatic floorboards uses the PVC resin as the main component, and utilizes the plastic particle interfaces to form the permanent antistatic network. The floorboards look like the marble provide fine performance in the decoration projects. In addition, they feature abrasion resistance, corrosion resistance, long life, ageing resistance and low dust emission etc. According to the test by the Antistatic Material Supervision and Test Center of the Ministry of Information Industry, the technical indices of the PVC floorboards are equivalent to or better than similar foreign or domestic products.The products are applicable to the decoration and fitment of the apparatus rooms for the industries of telecommunication, electronics, microelectronics and medicine etc, and the clean rooms or workshops for the computer or electronic instrument industries