深圳市春秋电子科技有限公司,本着以诚为本的观念,为客户配套最合适的知识信 息获取与交流的解决方案,为客户创造更多的价值,提供更多的便利,把最新科技 快速应用到人们的工作与生活之中。公司从2005年成立之日起致力于生产无线鼠标 键盘产品,目前公司拥有100个员工,1000平米的生产车间。公司从最初的OEM,来料 加工做起,慢慢转型经营自己的品牌,经过几年的努力,目前在国内拥有100多个经销 商,年销售额达2000万人民币。形成了全国网络化的营销和服务体系。2007年公司 成立海外事业部,将公司的业务已拓展至东南亚、澳洲、非洲、欧洲和美洲等20多个 国家和地区,外贸年销售额达到200万美金.我们不段研发新产品,不断创新,电子产 品是日新月异的行业,不进则退,我们时时刻刻怀着危机感,追求行业新标准. 我们企业的核心价值:客户、员工、创新、成功、服务社会.追求永无止境,我 们的服务是发自内心的,创新是我们的理念,春秋科技愿与客户,合作伙伴共创美 好明天。 品牌:赛技(cimetech) ShenZhen Torich Electronic co., LTD put the concentration on being honest,preparing the best suitable information for the clients to obtain the solution for communication and creat more value,as well bring much convinence for the customers.Besides, we apply the lastest technology into our working and life. Establishing in 2005 which is a professional manufacture of wireless mouse and keyboard, coveing 1000square meters space,employing 100 workers.All our products are inspected 4 times by QC staff before delivery. The first time on the component, the second time on finished products before package, the third time is after package but before putting in carton, and the fourth time is effective quality assurance. Meanwhile, we also provide OEM and ODM service, so as to better fulfill customers' specifications in a positive manner. Moreover,we make the oem in the beginning.Through our best efforts for several years,we creat our own brand and own more than 100 distributor at present,the total sales amount reach 20 milion rmb,cause a sales from all over world and service system Since 2007, our company built foreign business,sold far to eastsouth Asia, Australia,Africa and America and so on. 