离心玻璃棉是将熔融状态的玻璃用离心喷吹法工艺进行纤维化并喷涂热固性树脂制成的丝状材料,再经过热固化深加工处理,可制成具有多种用途的系列产品。它具有不燃、无毒、耐腐蚀、容重小、导热系数低、化学稳定性强、吸湿率低、憎水性好等诸多优点,是目前公认性能优越的保温、隔热、吸音材料,具有十分广泛的用途。用该材料制成的板、毡已大量用于建筑、化工、电子、电力、冶金、能源、交通等领域的保温隔热、吸声降噪,效果十分显著。Centrifugal glass wool is a silk-like material made by fiberization of melted glass and then coating with thermosetting resin through centrifugal blowing process. By means of thermal setting, this material can be further processed into series of products for multiple purposes. It features numerous advantages: it is noncombustible, nontoxic, and resistant to corrosion; it has low weight by volume, low thermal conductivity, stable chemical property, low moisture rate and good hydrophobicity. It is to date a well-recognized heat preservation, thermal insulation and sound absorption material with excellent properties. It has found wide applications. The board and blanket products made of this material have been used in heat preservation, thermal insulation and sound absorption in construction, chemical industry, electronic industry, electric power, metallurgy, energy industry and communication, presenting very good result.产品规格以及技术性能指标 类别 容重(kg/m3) 厚度(mm) 宽度(mm) 长度(m) 导热系数(K)(W/MK) 使用温度(℃) 名称 离心棉板 24-65 25-100 600-1200 900-2400 0.033-0.047 400 离心棉毡 12-32 25-150 600-1200 7000-30000 0.035-0.047 400 离心棉管 50-70 30-150 内径22-920 1 0.032-0.035 400