本公司专业生产各种规格MYJV矿用电力电缆, 质量好,价格低,希望新老客户来电咨询,电话:0316-5960695 0316-5962883 15832681464 李经理
XLPE Insulated Power Cable 交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆是采用化学方法或MYJV电缆物理方法,使聚乙烯分子由线型分子结构转变为三维网状结构,由热塑性的聚乙烯酿成热固性的交联聚乙烯,从而进步了聚乙烯的耐老化性能、机械性能和耐环境能力,并保持了优良的电气性能。
35KV及以下高压交联电缆,YJV电缆,YJV22电缆,YJLV电缆,YJLV22电缆6kV~35kV 中高压铜芯及铝芯交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆(YJV电缆,YJV22电缆,YJLV电缆,YJLV22电缆)
XLPE Insulated Power Cable 交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆是采用化学方法或物理方法,使聚乙烯分子由线型分子结构转变为三维网状结构,由热塑性的聚乙烯酿成热固性的交联聚乙烯,从而进步了聚乙烯的耐老化性能、机械性能和耐环境能力,并保持了优良的电气性能。
中高压交联电缆产物尺度 Standard
The product is manufactured according to the standard of《GB12706 or IEC、BS、DIN and ICEA upon request.
适用范围 Applications
The product is suitable for use in power transmission and distribution lines with rated power frequency voltage 3.6/6kv~26/35kv.
使用特性 Operating characteristics
· 工频额定电压U0/U为3.6/6kv~26/35kv。
Rated power-frepuency voltage U0/U: 3.6/6kv~26/35kv.
· 电缆导体的最高允许事情温度:90℃。
Max.admissible operating temperature of the conductor:90℃.
· 短路时(最永劫间不超过5s)电缆导体的最低温度不超过2500C。
Max. short-circurt temperature of conductor shall not exceed 2500C.
(5s maximum duration)
· 电缆敷设时环境温度应不低于00C。
The ambient temperature under installation should not below 00C.
· 35KV及以下高压交联电缆,YJV电缆,YJV22电缆,YJLV电缆,YJLV22电缆弯曲半径:三芯电缆不小于电缆外径15倍;单芯电缆不小于电缆外径20倍。
The bending radius of a single-core cable should not less than 20 times of the cable diameter.
The bending radius of a single-core cable should not less than 15 times of the cable diameter.
电缆额定电压的选择 Voltage designation
· 电缆的额定电压应得当于电缆系统的运行状态,用U0/U(Um)kv表示。
The rated voltage of the cable for a given applixation shall be suitable for the operating conditions
in the system in which the cable is used,and is expressed in the form of U0/U(Um)kv
U0-The rated power-frequency voltage between conductors and earth metallic screen ,for which the cable designed;
U - The rated power-frequency voltage between conductos, for which the cable designed;
Um- The maximum value of the“highest system voltage”for which the equipment may beused.
· 三相系统用电缆的U0值保举如下表:
The values of U0 recommened for cable to be used in three-phase systems are listed below: