機器型號 | : | Man Roland R705 |
年份 | : | 1998 |
設備 | : | Rolandmatic Damping | 原廠酒精潤版系統 |
| | RCI | 羅蘭RCI遙控墨色裝置 |
| | PPL | 自動裝板裝置 |
| | Technotrans Cooling | 冷凍循環系統 |
| | Register Control | 套准控制裝置 |
| | Diagnostic System | 診斷系統 |
| | Automatic format adjustment | 紙張尺寸自動設定 |
| | Automatic stock thickness setting | 印刷材料厚度自動設定 |
| | Automatic ink unit separation | 勻墨裝置自動分離 |
| | Remote adjustment of the ink distribution unit | 勻墨裝置遙控調節 |
| | Ink duct roller reversal | 墨斗輥反向運轉 |
| | Adjustment of the axial clearance for the inking rollers | 墨輥軸向間隙調整 |
| | Data communication via optical fibre cables | 光纜數據傳送 |
| | Automatic Blanket Wash-up Device | 膠皮布自動清洗裝置 |
| | IR Dryer | 紅外線干燥 |
| | Powder Spray | 噴粉設備 |
| | Grafix Powder Spray Extraction | 抽粉設備 |