产 品 描 述
关 于 运 输
售 后 服 务
Product description
[Material] high quality oak
[Wooden fixed] carton inside and wooden box outside, to ensure the safety of transportation
[Product paint] exporting green paint Po benzene
[Environmental standards] meet the standards of Europe and the United States , through the EU environmental certification!
Product ordering
1, The furniture is valuable commodity, also is the large product, please make sure of the size when you order. In addition to, don’t forget the color and details of the furniture.
2, if you move to new house, please proposed order at least 15-20 days, if your area is far in Guangdong and even abroad, while the ordered product without in warehouse, you need order 30 days or more in advance, Please note! Although most our furniture in stock, but the full set of furniture really have no a lot. As by color, hand-painted flower restrictions, so book in advance!
About Transportation
Our furniture are usually shipped through the logistics, buyers can specify a logistics company, if you do not specify the logistics, we will select logistics company which near buyer’s place, different journey length have different transport time. Our logistics costs listed for reference only, the actual cost to the logistics company s is decided by cargo volume, weight and the road distance.
1,Terms of freight payment. terms of freight by the buyer’s choice,
2, logistics choice. We have the long-term relationship with many logistic companies, as long as the delivery time are related to logistics, that we will meet your requirements as our best as we can.
3, transport costs. Shop our logistics costs listed for reference only. In addition, we will give you your estimated shipping costs before payment.
4, place of delivery. General cargo is delivered to the local logistics point; if you requested home delivery, can tell us in advance, we should make sure of everything during our communication.
5, logistics sign. You can receive the goods as the product packaging is well; if packaging damage, may check the damaged parts, if not damaged goods, you can receive; if seized goods are damaged, please contact us immediately and we co-processing; If the packaging not damaged, bring home the products have problem, ex. a small amount of Paint Falling off, etc. are normal, you contact us directly confirmed, we will give you a replacement paint, usually can be resolved, if the furniture of some part are badly damaged, we will give you additional documents.
After sales service
Furniture goods during the transportation, there is little loss of Paint Falling off is inevitable , receiving receipt to keep with us and confirm everything. Tell us the exact location after receipt, damaged parts can make up their own paint correction treatment. But we will try our best to make everything better.
Note: after the arrival of furniture, please keep the packaging three to five days, as if you want to return, then must use the wooden packing again, but have to return if thrown away, then you should pay the cost of the wooden frame.
best wishes for you~
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Delivery Information |
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注意事项 |
- 由于个人电脑屏幕现实颜色差异,实物与图片有可能发生色差 - 我公司出口和内销并存,部分产品可能会出现缺货的情况,特殊定做的产品, 需要较长时间,因此原因导致的送货时间延长,不在我们控制范围之内, 还请各位买家谅解! - 本司所标价格不含运费、不含税、不含安装。需要发票需另加税款!
发货相关 | - 物流费用、收货时间因地而异,可以按照客户要求的快递公司发货。大物件通常建议物流发货。所有产品均不含运费、不含税、不含安装费。买家可选择预付运费和到付运费,运费按实际情况收取, 我们不赚买家1分运费 - 买家付款后我们会尽快发货。发货之前,会有专人负责验货,保证产品无质量问 题后发货。 -因运输公司原因而导致运输时间延长,我们无能为力。为了大家的共同利益, 请在收到产品后,应在送货员面前检查产品是否完好,产品有问题时请第一时间 联系我们。您的签收表示产品无任何问题(注:代收人的签收等同与本人签收) |
售后服务 | - 由于产品特性上,开封后的产品不予退换(除产品有残次外) - 如果收到的产品有破损,接受无偿退换,除因光线和视线,颜色差异外 - 因使用中人为导致的破损(如掉漆、海绵变薄、褪色等),不在售后范围内 - 发货以后,因买家改变主意而退货或换货,所产生的所有费用由买家承担
联系方式 | - TEL:0757-28788548 |