² 采用工业总线(RS-485)组成控制网络系统
² 集中控制器可集中监控所有的组网设备
² 各设备也可以独立就地操作,状态自动反馈到集中控制器
² 可通过联网转换器实现工业总线与INTERNET协议之间转换,方便远程监控
² 集中控制器采用大屏幕彩色触摸屏,方便操作和显示
² 系统最多可控制250个设备
² 通讯最长距离1公里
The features:
² Connect all the system with industry control bus(RS-485)
² The central controller can monitor and control all of the equipments
² The controller for the equipment can be operated by local and central controller.
² The system can be controlled by internet though internet gateway.
² The max. quantity of the equipment is 250 units.
² The max. distance of communication is 1000Km
² 采用16位单片机
² 应用彩色触摸屏,提供菜单式友好界面
² 对所有联网设备进行运行状态查询及控制
² 可设置联网转换器的联网方式及网络地址
² 对整个系统的参数进行设置和调试
Central controller
² With 16 bit microcomputer
² With touch panel. The menu is friendly.
² It can control and monitor the all of the equipment.
² It can setup the parameters of system.
² It can setup the internet gateway.