拉伸件加工 不锈钢电源盒 质量保证 来图来样加工
公司中文介绍: 经过20多年的发展,山东胜阳五金制品有限公司已发展成为一家先进的集金属冲压、焊接、拉伸、表面处理等技术为一体的大型加工企业,承接工业机械、电器、建筑、汽车,水处理等领域的配件加工和组装业务。长期合作伙伴包括最大的豆浆机生产厂家九阳和美国通用等大型公司。总公司占地面积30000多平米,800多名员工,其中有将近40名技术人员和30多名高级管理人员。公司目前有各类设备400多台,其中有8到350吨的冲压机200多台,20到350吨的液压机25台,各类焊机40台,剪板机4台,磨具加工设备电火花及线切割机床,车、刨、铣、磨、钻、镗等机床齐全,有各类检测设备。
冲压, 拉伸, 焊接和集成服务
冲压: 8-350吨,厚度0.2mm-6mm
拉伸: 可达350吨, 厚度0.2mm-3mm
焊接: 点焊, 直焊, 环焊, 氩弧焊,钎焊
材质: 不锈钢,碳钢,铝等.
表面处理: 抛光, 砂光,喷砂,电镀, 喷涂, 阳极氧化等.
应用软件:Pro / E, Solid Work 2001, Auto CAD, CAXA, UG, CAD / CAM / CAE.
公司英文介绍:Since 1987, custom metal parts have been our specialty. What sets us apart from our competitors is our ability to integrate stamping, deep drawing and welding into one part. Our parts are widely sourced for the production of electrical appliances, automobiles, industrial machinery, water treatment equipment, building hardware and pumps, etc. GM and Joyoung are satisfied clients.
Our factories are equipped with more than 400 sets advanced machines, including 200 sets stamping machines(8-350 tons), 25 sets hydraulic machines(20-350 tons), 40 sets welding machines, and much more. Every year, we turn out 2,000 tons of parts. Everything from purchasing raw materials, manufacturing, inspection and aftersales service is done according to ISO 9001:2000 guidelines.
Stamping, Welding, Deep drawing and Assembly Service
Stamping: 8-350 tons,thickness from 0.2-6mm.
Deep drawing: up to 350 tons,thickness from 0.2mm-1.5mm.
Welding:spot welding, straight welding, girth welding, argon arc welding, brazing.
Material:stainless steel, Iron (SPCC, ,SECC, SPTE, tinplate), aluminum alloy, brass, etc.
Surface treatment: Professional stainless steel polishing, grinding and sand blasting by own workshop. Plating, coating, anodizing are also workable.
Applied software for specification drawings: Pro / E, Solid Work 2001, Auto CAD,