posipen 笔式测厚仪分三款:A、B、C型;
精度为读数±10% 和2.5 microns(±10% and 0.1 mil)
公英制:microns (metric) and mils (inch)
量程为: 5-500 微米/0.25 to 20 mils (inch)
(A型) :常温表面测量
(B型) 用于极端温度表面测量( -100°C到230°C/-150°F -450°F)
(C型) Some objects become excessively magnetic. For example 300 series stainless steel is non-magnetic but becomes magnetic over time. Certain welding seams become magnetic compared to the surrounding metal. PosiPen C allows you to compare ferrite content to a known value.
PosiPen A for measurements on surfaces with normal temperatures
PosiPen B for measurements on surfaces with extreme temperatures (between -150°F and +450°F or -100°C and +230°C)
PosiPen A and B have two scales, microns (metric) and mils (inch)
posipen 笔式测厚仪分三款:A、B、C型;
精度为读数±10% 和2.5 microns(±10% and 0.1 mil)
公英制:microns (metric) and mils (inch)
量程为: 5-500 微米/0.25 to 20 mils (inch)
(A型) :常温表面测量
(B型) 用于极端温度表面测量( -100°C到230°C/-150°F -450°F)
(C型) Some objects become excessively magnetic. For example 300 series stainless steel is non-magnetic but becomes magnetic over time. Certain welding seams become magnetic compared to the surrounding metal. PosiPen C allows you to compare ferrite content to a known value.