HT66F13/HT66F14/HT66F15 -- Enhanced A/D Flash Type MCU
General Description
TheHT66F1x series of devices are Flash Memory A/D type 8-bit high performance RISC architecture
microcontrollers. Offering users the convenience of Flash Memory multi-programming features, these
devices also include a wide range of functions and features. Other memory includes an area of RAM
Data Memory for application program data storage.
Analog feature includes a multi-channel 12-bit A/D converter. Multiple and extremely flexible Timer
Modules provide timing, pulse generation and PWM generation functions. Protective features such as
an internal Watchdog Timer, Low Voltage Reset and Low Voltage Detector coupled with excellent
noise immunity and ESD protection ensure that reliable operation is maintained in hostile electrical
A full choice of HXT, ERC, HIRC and LIRC oscillator functions are provided including a fully
integrated system oscillator which requires no external components for its implementation. The ability
to operate and switch dynamically between a range of operating modes using different clock sources
gives users the ability to optimise microcontroller operation and minimise power consumption.
The inclusion of flexible I/O programming features, Time-Base functions along with many other
features ensure that the devices will find excellent use in applications such as electronic metering,
environmental monitoring, handheld instruments, household appliances, electronically controlled
tools, motor driving in addition to many others.
Features CPU Features
Peripheral Features