制动器张力控制器 落地式张力控制器LTC-002 数显手动张力控制器 产 品 简 介:采用适应性的开关电源,美观大方,显示直观,清晰。
输入电源: AC85V~264V 50/60Hz
输出: 0~4.00A DC24V
重量轻:1kg 利迅科技工业有限公司始创于台湾,拥有专业的设计开发团队,主要研制生产工业机械用之高精度磁粉式离合器制动器、电磁式离合器制动器、空气压碟式/通轴式离合器制动器以及包装印刷卷取设备行业专用的气胀轴、气压套夹(气胀臌)、快速安全夹头、铝合金导辊 、全自动张力控制器、卷径式张力控制器等。齐全的产品于卷取设备行业领域提供各种张力控制解决方案。
我们的奋斗目标:内强素质,外树形象,把利迅科技建成一流的现代化科技制造企业。利迅科技,无限动力!LEESUN Science&Technology Industrial Co.,Ltd established in Taiwan, It's a professional design and development team, the main development and production of industrial machinery of high precision magnetic powder clutch brake, electromagnetic clutch brakes, air pressure disc / pass-axis clutch brakes, as well as packaging and printing Take-up equipment industry-specific inflatable shaft, pressure sets of folders (inflatable swollen), fast and secure chuck, aluminum alloy guide roll, automatic tension controller, the roll diameter Tension controller. Comprehensive range of products in the take-up device industries to provide a variety of tension control solutions.
All along, we are actively enterprising, innovation, integrity management, service industry more than a dozen set, because of the quality of products and companies seeking strict Ke tireless efforts of all colleagues, resulting in "LEESUN" brand to become the industry leader and has been marketing the country and the exported to Europe, Japan, Southeast Asia and other regions.
Through constant innovation and development of the establishment of Dongguan Bryson Precision Electromechanical Co., Ltd. as the mainland base of operations and the establishment of the Department of South China factory, have been established for East Marketing Department, North China Marketing Department, to provide users with better products and services, so that "LEESUN" Products more widely used in packaging machinery, printing machinery, wire and cable machinery, paper version of the system machinery, rubber machinery, tableware machinery, textile machinery, glass machinery, woodworking machinery, electronic machinery and other equipment, the battery industry.
Our business philosophy: the leading science and technology, well production, sustainable development
Our goal: a strong-the quality of the image outside, the unison into first-class science and technology of modern technology manufacturing companies.LEESUN Science&Technology, unlimited power!全自动张力控制器 LTC-858A 产 品 概 述: LTC-858A张力控制器是一种高精度、多功能的全数字智能型张力控制器,配合张力检测器组成闭环张力控制系统。