♦多功能手推热熔划线机 YHDJ-S100~450
Multi-function manual hot melt marking machine
Product application:
Multi-function manual hot melt marking machine is first made by our company according to the market demand。It is of melt and marking in one and not only mark nomal line but also mark zebra crossing。
该设备可大负荷运转、正反向搅拌。具有功能完善、性能稳定、操作简便、热效率高、保温性好等优点。 定量自动化玻璃珠撒布器,可任意调整撒布宽度及速度;双杆化线斗选用特种合金精加工而成,具有良好的热传导性;硬质合金落地刀配有偏心套装置,可灵活调整标线厚度; 特种制胶车轮可耐高温、耐磨损,高弹性低摩擦; 双层熔料釜缸耐高温、不变形、热效率高、保温性好。
Structural features:
Beading automated broadcasting machine has the advantages of synchronized spreading ,uniform bead drop .What's more ,we can adjust the spreading width and the speed at will.
The double pole marking scoop is made of special alloy.It has good thermal conductivity.
The grounding knife made of hard alloy is equipped with eccentric sleeve .Index line's thickness can be adjusted flexiblely.Special rubber tire is of antifriction resistance and high temperature resistance.
Double stainless steel insulation barrel is of high temperature resistance,no distortion,no rust ,long-term preservation.
◊技术参数:Technical parameters:
釜缸容量Cylinder capacity:180kg
珠箱容量Capacity of glass bead:30kg
标线速度Marking speed:1.2—1.5km/h
标线宽度Marking width:100/150/200/250/300/450mm
标线厚度Marking thickness:1~2.5mm
釜缸加热温度Heating temperature:0-300℃
推荐放料温度Recommended discharge temperature:180-220℃
整机重量Weight of complete machine:160kg