For the directly rough pulping of the raw materials such as paper ,rice and wheat grass the sugarcane dregs reed ,wood ppieces ,bamboo pieces cotton stalks ,maize stalks ,wood paring sawdust ,wood chips ,wood linen ,wood branches shrubs .The raw materials may be treated as absorbing ink ,high opacity ,soft smooth .when boiling to soak in advance .It can directly crank out high quality mechanical pulp which is strong absorbing ink,high opacity,soft smooth .when boiling to soak in advance .It can increase to load ball quantity ,shorten boiling time ,reduce uantity of chemicals .In another way ,adopting the raw materials of pretreatment and working .in high thickness mill,The full chemical pulp ,full chemical blanching pulp ,half chemical-mechanical pulp and cooling method high rate mechanical pulp ,which will be cranked out to different standard pulp .Use of this mechanism for mechanical pulp will not have waste water to release in the production procerssaccordingly it achieves cleanning production