CO2双头高速激光切割、雕刻机是铭昇激光应广大客户的要求,结合现场生产操作并充分发挥运动控制性能和激光加工效果,独特的互动式设计,可单、双激光头之间自由切换,可脱机工作,切割效果均匀一致,加工效率提高一倍,让节约成本提高产量的目标尽在掌握之中。它主要通过电机与皮带或丝杆传动,带动激光头的位置变化实现激光切割功能。通过电脑随意设计图形,操作简单方便,切割精度高、速度快。配置的日本进口步进电机,作为传动部件,以及X、Y、Z轴三条进口导轨,使用新加坡进口激光镜片,可以使机器精度和速度发挥到淋漓尽致。该设备加工材料广泛,切割边沿光滑无毛刺,无需抛光,无尘屑,无噪音,高精度,高速度,高效率,废料少,是专业雕刻和切割用户的理想选择。 Double high-speed CO2 laser cutting, laser engraving machine is the Ming Sheng requirements of our customers should be combined with on-site production operations and maximize the performance of motion control and laser processing effects, unique, interactive design, single and double switch between the laser headcan work offline, cutting effect uniform processing efficiency double the cost to increase production so that the target is easy to grasp.It is mainly through the motor with the belt or screw drive, drive change to achieve the position of the laser head laser cutting capabilities.Random by computer graphic design, simple operation, high cutting accuracy and speed.Configuration of the stepper motor imported from Japan, as the transmission components, and X, Y, Z axis three imported rails, the use of Singapore's imports of laser lenses, precision and speed can make the machine to the fullest.The wide range of materials processing equipment, cutting edge smooth and burr-free, no polishing, clean litter, no noise, high accuracy, high speed, high efficiency, less waste, is a professional engraving and cutting the user's ideal choice. |
■应用行业:鞋材、皮革服装、商标加工、绣花、广告装饰、木材加工、包装印刷、激光刀模、装潢行业、印刷烫金模板、工艺礼品行业、 电子电器行业、模型行业(建筑模型、航空航海模型、木制玩具)等。 ■Application:Shoes, leatherclothing,trademarkprocessing,embroidery, advertising,decoration,wood processing,packaging and printing, laser cutter, decoratingindustry, printing,bronzingtemplates, craftgift industry, Electrical and electronicindustry, modelindustry (building model, airnavigation model, woodentoys)and so on.
■适用材料:布料、磁砖、纸板、纸张、皮革、PU革、商标绣花、塑料、橡胶、竹木制品、木材、亚克力、玉石、贝壳、牛角、动物皮脂、 双色板、竹木制品、ABS板、PVC板、纤维及复合材料等金属材料。 ■ Applicationmaterials:fabric, tile, cardboard, paper, leather, PUleather, trademarkembroidery, plastic, rubber, wood products, wood,acrylic,jade, shell,horn, animalsebum, Color plates,bamboo products, ABSplate, PVCboard,fiber andcomposite materialsand other metalmaterials. |