上海创昊狮王牌高强度输送带扣 SU1000(7-12)
![](http://uploadfile.china-dirs.cn/user/k018/user092/uploadfile/20091127133554316.jpg) | 狮王SU1000型输送带扣为我公司的轻型高强度输送带扣,使用于胶带强度1000KN/m(6级带)以下,带厚为5-12mm胶带的连接要求。SU1000型输送带扣加大了骑马钉的直径及间距,使其对胶带的截面损伤最小,提高了与胶带的结合力,解决了我国目前使用的低等级低质胶带容易产生接头断裂的问题。SU1000型输送带扣每串名义宽度为200mm,整体冲压而成,结构合理,尺寸精度高,扣与扣之间可拌开,非常适合在煤矿井下潮湿环境中使用。 |
Lionking® SU1000 Series Conveyer Belt Fasteners The Lionking® Su1000 series conveyer belt fasteners are designed by our company .The L-SU1000 is available to meet the belt thickness range from 5mm to 12mm and belt strength under 1000KN/m.The reasonable size and structure of L-SU1000 make splicing more reliable for low grade belt and maximize belt availability.The L-SU1000 nominal size is 200mm,All stainless steel construction is fit for moist underground mining environments. |
型号 Fastener Type | 适用带厚(mm) Belt Thickness | 适用胶带强度(KN/m) Belt Strength | 配用软轴型号 Hinge Pin | 配用订扣机型号 Installation Tool | SU1000 | 5-10 | ≤1000 | ![](http://uploadfile.china-dirs.cn/user/k018/user092/uploadfile/2009112713362246.gif) GZ7、SZ7、Z7系列 | ![](http://uploadfile.china-dirs.cn/user/k018/user092/uploadfile/20091127133647753.jpg) | KJ1000 系列 |
| SU1000+ | 7-12 |