Agilent 34401A 是全球最畅销的台式数字万用表(DMM)。这款工业标准的万用表具有卓越的性能,适用于系统和台式测试。
34401A-100 | 100-volt ac line selection | US$ | 0 |
34401A-120 | 120-volt ac line selection | US$ | 0 |
34401A-1CM | Rackmount Kit | US$ | 62 |
34401A-220 | 220-volt ac line selection | US$ | 0 |
34401A-240 | 240-volt ac line selection | US$ | 0 |
34401A-A6J | Certificate of calibration - ANSI/NCSL Z540, printed | US$ | 120 |
34401A-ADF | Custom front panel for Australian Defense Force | US$ | 50 |
34401A-AKT | Russian printed manual set included; full documentation on CD ROM | US$ | 40 |
34401A-PLG | Continental European power cord - ONLY FOR EU DISTR W MULT PWR CORD STANDARDS | US$ | 0 |
34131A | Transit Case | US$ | 327 |
34133A | 精密电子测试引线 | US$ | 29 |
34134A | 直流耦合电流探头 | US$ | 474 |
34136A | 高压探头 | US$ | 164 |
34138A | Test Lead Set | US$ | 28 |
34161A | Accessory Pouch | US$ | 45 |
34171B | Input terminal block for the 34401A/34410A/34411A/L4411A Digital Multimeter | US$ | 195 |
34172B | Calibration Short for the 34401A/34410A/34411A/L4411A Digital Multimeter | US$ | 153 |
34190A | 机架安装套件 | US$ | 62 |
34191A | 2U Dual Flange Kit | US$ | 59 |
34194A | Dual Lock Link Kit | US$ | 113 |
34330A | 30 A 分流器 | US$ | 83 |
34398A | RS-232 电缆,9 针(阴头)至 9 针(阴头) | US$ | 25 |
E5810A | LAN/GPIB网关 | US$ | 1,198 |
Y1133A | Low-thermal External Digital Multimeter Scanning Kit | US$ | 432 |
PS-S10 | Remote scheduled productivity assistance. Select 1 to 999 hours. | US$ | 159 |
PS-S20 | Startup assistance | US$ | 2,033 |
R-50C-011-3 | Agilent Calibration - 3 years | US$ | 233 |
R-50C-011-5 | Agilent Calibration - 5 years | US$ | 440 |
R-50C-016-3 | ISO 17025 Compliant Calibration - 3 years | 电话咨询 | |
R-50C-016-5 | ISO 17025 Compliant Calibration - 5 years | 电话咨询 | |
R-50C-021-3 | ANSI Z540-1-1994 Calibration - 3 years | 电话咨询 | |
R-50C-021-5 | ANSI Z540-1-1994 Calibration - 5 years | 电话咨询 | |
R-51B-001-5C | Return to Agilent Warranty - 5 years | 电话咨询 |
34401A数万用表使用册 用户手册2008-04-24 |
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Agilent 34401A 6 1/2数字万用表快速入门指南 Agilent 34401A 6 1/2数字万用表快速入门指南 迅速开始指南2008-07-01 |
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Agilent 34401A 万用表手册更新 Multi-language errata sheet for the 34401A User’s Guide 用户手册2008-04-11 |
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Agilent 34401A 多用表产品综述 Agilent 34401A 多用表产品综述 产品资料2004-11-01 |
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Agilent 34401A和34410A数字多用表——新的超低价位 最畅销的数字多用表34401A如今有了新外观。通过更经济的设计,安捷伦将为您节省更多费用 手册2010-09-16 | |
使用数字万用表更好地进行测量 希望更好地进行测量或更多地了解DMM的工作方式?下面将介绍我们最流行的万用表应用指南。 应用说明2009-03-30 | |
太阳能电池和电池板测试解决方案 应用说明2009-03-01 |
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数字万用表中的AC电压测量误差 应用说明2003-11-24 |
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数字万用表中的电阻、DC电流、AC电流和频率与周期测量误差 应用说明2003-11-24 |
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数字万用表中的系统线缆误差和DC电压测量误差 应用说明2003-11-24 |
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用数字万用表完成数据记录和数字化处理 用数字万用表完成数据记录和数字化处理 产品资料2009-02-01 |
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用数字多用表进行更好的有效值测量 用数字多用表进行更好的有效值测量 应用说明2003-08-19 |
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用新的Agilent 34410A 和34411A 高性能数字万用表代替Agilent 34401A 该应用指南对 Agilent 34401A 6 1/2 位数字万用表与新型 Agilent 34410A 及 34411A 6 1/2 位高性能数字万用表之间的差异进行了简要而透彻的说明。 应用说明2005-12-01 |
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系统中新一代数字万用表(6 1/2 至 8.5 位数字分辨率) 系统中新一代数字万用表(6 1/2 至 8.5 位数字分辨率) 选型指南2010-08-27 | |
针对教育工作者的数字万用表资源页面 针对教育工作者的数字万用表资源页面 选型指南2010-09-16 | |
34171A Installation Guide Agilent 34171A Installation Guide 安装手册2003-07-01 | |
34398A/99A RS-232 Cable Kit/Adapter Kit User's Guide 用户手册2003-07-01 |
34401A Digital Multimeter Service Guide This manual contains chapters on specifications, calibration, theory of operation, service, replaceable parts, and much more. 服务手册2007-08-01 |
34401A Memory Information and Procedures This document contains detailed internal product memory information for the Agilent 34401A. 技术总览2009-06-02 |
34401A Standard Shipped Components A standard Agilent 34401A Digital Multimeter, 6.5 digit ships with the following items: 参考指南2002-09-20 | |
34401A, 34405A, 34410A, and 34411A Digital Multimeters Quick Fact Sheet This Quick Fact Sheet describes the features and performance of the 34401A, 34405A, 34410A and 34411A digital multimeters. 促销资料2009-08-18 |
9 Tips for Making Better Resistance Measurements Nine tips for making better resistance measurements with your Agilent voltmeter. 应用说明2003-11-18 | |
Declaration of Conformity Search Agilent Regulatory database for most recent Declaration of Conformity statement for your product. 帮助文件2010-10-15 | |
Digital Multimeter Selection Guide 选型指南2006-06-07 | |
Digital Multimeters Brochure Complete coverage of Agilent’s DMM offerings: bench, modular and handheld platforms. 手册2010-03-24 |