主要技术参数 Main technique parameter 参数名称 Parameter name 单位 Unit 数值 Value 额定电压 Rated voltage kV 12 额定电流 Rated normal current A 630 额定短路开断电流 Rated short-circuit breaking current kA 20 额定短路关合电流 Rated short-circuit making current kA 50 额定峰值耐受电流 Rated peak withstand current kA 50 额定短时耐受电流 Rated short-time withstand current kA 20 额定短路持续时间 Rated duration of short circuit S 4 额定单个电容器组开断电流 Rated single capacitor unit breaking current A 630 额定背对背电容器组开断电流 Rated back to back capacitor unit breaking current A 400 额定短时(1min)工频耐压 Rated short time power frequency withstand voltage(1min) kV 42 额定触头压力下的回路电阻 Circuit resistance at lower limit of rated contact pressure μΩ ≤30 额定短路开断电流开断次数 Rated short circuit breaking current breaking times 次 Time 30 额定雷电冲击耐受电压 Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage kV 75 机械寿命 Mechanical endurance 次 Time 10000 触头自闭力 Closing force due to bellow and atmosphere N 80±30 额定开距时的触头反力 Force required to hold contacts open at full stroke N 140±40 触头允许磨损厚度 Contact-wear allowance thickness mm 3 真空灭弧室内部气体压力 Gas pressure inside vacuum interrupter Pa ≤1.33×10ˉ3
配用断路器的机械参数 Technical specifications Circuit-breaker 项目 Project 单位 Unit 数值 Value 触头开距 Contact stroke mm 10±1 触头接触行程 Contact travel mm 2±0.5 平均合闸速度 Average closing speed m/s 0.6±0.2 平均分闸速度 Average opening speed m/s 1.1±0.2 额定触头压力 Rated contact pressure N 2000±200 触头合闸弹跳时间 Contact closing bounce time ms ≤2 触头合闸与分闸不同期性 Out of simultaneity of contact closing and opening ms ≤2 分闸触头反弹幅值 Bouncing back amplitude of opening contact mm ≤2