M9017B 光学曲线磨床详细说明: |
规格及主要技术参数 Main Specifications 项目 | Item | M9017B | 最大磨削长度(分段磨削) | Max. size to bo ground with successive setings | 170mm | 最大磨削厚度 | Max. height of the surface grinding | 70mm | 最大磨削深度 | Max. depth to be ground | 35mm | 最大磨圆直径 | Max. diameter to be ground | 100mm | 最大磨圆长度 | Max distance between centers | 150mm | 一次投影的最大区域 | Max.size to be ground at a single table seting | 10×6mm 25×15mm | 物镜放大倍数 | Magnifying power of the objetive lens | 20&50 | 投影屏幕尺寸 | Area of the screen | 500×300mm |