●Double inverter type can precisely control the spool wire tension
to reduce the slip ratio of wire to a mininum manner.
●DC power annealer and stable elongation.
●Tension auto control system.
| 产品型号(Machine type) | HYL-14DAT |
01 | 动力控制(Inverter Control) | 双变频控制(double inverter control) |
02 | 入线线径(Inlet Dia.(mm)) | Ф1.00-ф1.60 |
03 | 出线线径(Outlet Dia.(mm)) | Ф0.25-ф0.60 |
04 | 最多模具数(Max.Dia NO.) | 14 |
05 | 最高线速度(Max.Line Speed(m/min)) | 1200 |
06 | 退火方式(Annealing mode) | 直流四段(DC four paragraphs) |
07 | 拉丝塔轮(Drawing capstan) | 喷瓷处理(Spraying ceramic processing) |
08 | 机械减面率(Slip ratio of m,c(%)) | 15 |
09 | 定速轮减面率(Fix speed capstan ratio(%)) | 8 |
10 | 主电机功率(Main motor power(kw)) | 15 |
11 | 收线电机功率(Take-up motor(kw)) | 5.5 |
12 | 退火电压(Annealing voltage) | 0--60 |
13 | 退火电流(Annealing current) | 600 |
14 | 退火保护方式(Protection type) | 蒸汽/氮化(Steam or nitration) |
15 | 最大伸线轮直径(Capstan Dia.(Max.)(mm)) | Ф316 |
16 | 定速轮仑直径(Fix speed capstan Dia.(mm)) | Ф268 |
17 | 退火轮直径(Dia.of annealing) | Ф200 |
18 | 传动方式(Take-up type) | 平皮带(flat-belt) |
19 | 收线盘尺寸(Take-up bobbin size(mm)) | Ф300(孔径Ф127) |
20 | 收线方式(Take-up type) | 顶心螺旋紧迫式(shaft type) |
21 | 拉丝润滑方式(Lubrication type) | 喷淋式(spray) |
22 | 制动方式(Brake) | 电磁式(Magnetic brake) |
23 | | |
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