78X-2B 片剂四用测定仪/四用测定仪/片剂测定仪 上海
78X-2B 78X-2B型片剂四用测定仪,是我公司开发的新产品,该仪器集药物片剂的硬度,脆碎度,溶出度和崩解度四种功能于一体.整机结构设计合理,性能稳定,操作方便,测试数据精确可靠,主要技术指标符合《中国药典2005版》的规定,广泛用于医药行业的科研,教学,药检所及各制药行业的质量管理部门和实验室. 二、 主要技术规格 崩解部分: 吊篮上下移动距离 55±2mm 吊篮上下往复次数 30~32次/分 平底烧杯容积 1000ml 平底烧杯数量: 2只 杯内水温 37± 0.3 ℃ 吊篮上升篮网至液面距离 25mm 吊篮下降篮网至杯底距离 25mm 溶出部分: 转速 50、100、150、200r.p.m 转速精度 ±1% 转篮旋转摆动幅度 ≤±1mm 浆叶旋转摆动幅度 ≤±1mm 球底烧杯容积 1000ml 脆碎部分: 轮鼓直径: Ø286±0.20mm 轮鼓深: 39±0.30mm 轮鼓数量: 2只 转速: 25转/分、100转停机 环境温度: 1~35℃ 环境相对湿度: ?85% 硬度部分 被测药片最大直径 25mm 最大测试压力 200N 测试精度 5N
78X-2B four functions tablet tester is a new innovate designed production which have four functions including test tablet’s hardness, friability, dissolution and disintegration. The tester structure designed with reason, performance with stability, easy to operate, test data with reliable and accurate. All the tester technical indicators are in line with the "Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2005" version of the provision. the tester is widely used by the pharmaceutical industry from research units, teaching, drug checking institution and quality control department as well as laboratory.
The main technical specification
the part of disintegration Distance Hanging Basket Covers Vertically 55±2mm Times of Hanging Basket Up and Down 30-32 times/min the volume of flat-bottomed beaker 1000ml the number of flat-bottomed beaker 2 pieces
the part of dissolution The speed of rotation 50,100,150,200 rpm The accuracy of rotary speed ±1% The volume of spherical support beaker 1000 ml
the part of friability The diameter of brake drum Ø286mm±0.20mm The depth of brake drum 39mm±0.30mm The number of brake drum The rotary speed 25r/min. 100r/min will be stopped
the part of hardness the max. Diameter of testing drug 25mm the max. testing pressure 200N the testing accuracy 5N 本网站价格为厂家标准报价,仅供参考。优惠折扣价请联系我们,谢谢! |