便携式超声波电子驱蚊器是采用声波共振技术,产生低频脉冲声波,能模仿雄蚊翼部拍动的频率的声音,驱赶已交配的雌蚊(科学研究发现:只有怀了孕的母蚊才会咬人。而在此期间,母蚊会竭力回避公蚊),雌蚊对该声波敏感,使其飞行时厌烦不叮咬人和干扰飞行及抑制起飞作用,使其不敢接近人体,从而达到驱赶蚊虫的目的。 本产品通过实际使用证明驱除蚊子非常有效,有效驱蚊距离可以达到2--3平方米,是蚊子的克星。这种既能防止蚊虫叮咬,而又能免除药水异味或烟雾烦恼的电子驱蚊产品,无疑会提高您的生活质量。 本产品性能稳定可靠,无毒无害无辐射,声波的分贝低于正常人体接受45分贝以下,对人体没有任何影响。不同生物体体重、结构、特征等有巨大的区别,对不同的声波响应也不同,本品发出的声波针对蚊虫的特征频率,而人与蚊虫的特征频率相差很大,所以本产品是真正的绿色环保产品。 本产品为水壶型,易于携带,可夹于衣物上。是居家和外出时防蚊的最佳选择,适用于户外露营、烧烤、爬山、乘凉、岗哨守卫、打球、钓鱼或公园散步等。只装一节高容量五号(AA)电池。 注:(能听到一点“嗡嗡”雄蚊翼部拍动声),发出变频超声波(5-9KHz)来驱赶,有效达95%左右。 该防蚊产品-是居家和外出时防蚊的最佳选择。 产品特点 1. 只对蚊子有效,不会干扰收音机,电视及其他家用电器的工作。 2. 价格经济,携带方便及环保。 3. 精美细腻的外观。 使用方法 1. 打开电池盖旋转并调整至关闭(OFF)位置。 2. 安装电池,请见电池盒内的正极端提示。 3. 稍微用力将电池盖推回位,以确保指示线对准关闭(OFF)位置。 4. 启动装置顺时针方向把电池盖旋转至打开(ON)位置。 注意事项 长时间不用请关闭电源并取下电池。 本产品不防水,请不要在潮湿的环境中使用。 耳朵不要刻意太靠近产品去听,以免损伤听力便携驱蚊宝驱蚊效果会随不同种类的蚊子以及大气层条件,如潮湿的环境而发生变化 ![undefined](http://i04.c.aliimg.com/img/ibank/2013/973/278/915872379_952100773.jpg)
Portable mosquito repeller (AN-A326)
The theory: Portable mosquito repeller using low-frequency audible sonic waves that irritate and drive most mosquitos away. Applicability: Portable mosquito repeller: Home,apartment,travel,picnic,camping and so on,it cover the area around your body and repel the mosquito away.
Features: 1.Only effective with mosquito, does not interfere with the operation of radio,televison or other electronic equipment 2.It is highly economical,convenient and environment friendly. 3. Artistic and exquisite design.
Method: 1.To open the battery compartment cover,rotate the cover,to the switch OFF position. 2.Install the battery with the positive end inside the battery compartment. 3.Replace the battery compartment cover by pushing the cover back with slight force to ensure that the indicator lines are aligned to the switch OFF position. 4. To switch the device on,rotate the cover clockwise to the switch ON position.
Specifications: Power supply:1 x AA 1.5V battery(not included)
Attention: 1.Long time not use, pls turn off power and take off the battery 2.That product is not waterproof,please do not used in damp environment. 3.Do not closed your ear to the machine,so as to avoid hearing damage.The efficiency of the portable mosquito repeller,may very depending on the different species of mosquito as well as atmospheric conditions such as a damp environmen Packing︰color boxCertification︰CE, ROHS