为纪念和中国人民解放军八十周年,杭州丝绸之路文化艺术有限公司和丝绸图书发明人宋金木先生共同创意设计的中国首部全真丝织锦中英文版《孙子兵法》现在由文物出版社出版。 全真丝织锦《孙子兵法》中文版,由当今十三位上将手书。他们是郑申侠、李新良、徐永清、周克玉、丁文昌、于振武、裴怀亮、朱文泉、刘精松、赵可铭、张文台、周坤仁、温宗仁。分别手书计篇、作战篇、谋攻篇、形篇、势篇、虚实篇、军争篇、九变篇、行军篇、地行篇、九地篇、火攻篇、用间篇,笔力遒劲,尽显将军雄强刚勇之气。以此为本,然後忠实地用真丝织成锦书,这在中国书法史上、中国出版史上乃至中国丝绸史上都是一个创举,一大盛事,是很有意义的。该书英文版,由著名翻译家、原国家外文局局长林戊荪先生翻译,译文信而且达,通畅文雅。 孙子兵法产生于二千五百年前,被誉为“兵学冠冕”,是世界公认的最古老的军事理论著作,作者孙武是当之无愧的兵学鼻祖,其理论在当今世界仍有着重大影响。中国自古被世界誉为丝绸王国,精美华丽的丝绸织品通过丝绸之路传向世界,饮誉全球。而有着近三千年历史的织锦自古就是富丽堂皇、雍容华贵的代名词,有着寸锦寸金之说。《孙子兵法》享誉中外,流芳千年,现在得以锦书问世,更可见其卓越的艺术价值和珍藏价值。 The brocade is the colored silk production with decorative patterns or calligraphies and paintings.Through the textual research,it began in the West Zhou Dynasty for more than 2,000 years. In Qin-Han Dynasty people had produced the first refining flower's machine. The brocade painting are now,provided only to the Empire Family in the old times,entered into the common people's home. The genuine silk brocade painting is combined the modern digital patent technology with the traditional silk technique and with the most advanced refining flower's machine. The brocade is made of one hundred percent mulberry silk,so that makes it more colorful,more three-dimensional effects and layers which were not showed in the original works.Also,that reproduces the original drawing charm,showing the silk's soft,beautiful and resplendent essence and it can show the original works' connotation. The genuine silk brocade painting perfectly combines the native and overseas painting and calligraphy's art with the silk cultural art, such it is full of the eastern national characteristics and it is known as ‘the magical eastern flower' by the whole world. |