QTZ40塔式起重机为按照最新标准JG/T5037-93《塔式起重机分类》设计的加强型塔式起重机,满足GB/T5031<<塔式起重机>>和GB5144<<塔式起重机安全规程>>等标准;额定起重力矩40t·m ,最大起重量为4吨,有 TC4708,TC4808,TC4810等类型.该机起升机构变极调速,回转机构为变频调速机构,变幅机构行星齿减速机内置卷筒,电控系统采用进口元件,安全保护装置为机械式或机电一体化产品,齐全可靠,基础分为固定式,压重式.该机广泛用于各类中高层建筑工程施工中.
QTZ40 tower crane is the newest hoisting transportation machinery in china, which is designed by Jinan Jihong Machinery Co.,ltd., making full use of GT. Combined design technology and FEA technology based on "computer design platform of tower crane".
QTZ40 tower crane is upper-swing hydraulic climbing tower crane with horizontal-jib, trolley winch. All kinds of performance parameters and technical items are up to or better than the National Standard. The max. radius is 46.8m. Independent loading-lifting height is 29m. Attaching load-lifting height is 120m(2 fall). The rated load moment is 400kNm.
QTZ40 tower crane is of advanced parameters, excellent and reliable performance, good-looking model, high quality, simple and applied structure with advanced safety devices. Namely, QTZ40 tower crane is an ideal construction machinery for most architecture enterprises with convenient maintenance, safety application and appropriate price.