通用性能: ·下模固定,上模活动,适合嵌入件注塑成型。 ·氮化钢螺杆、料管,高扭矩液压马达驱动,多段注塑压力,塑化性能好。 ·直压式子母锁模缸设计、高速低压合模、多重压力控制,提高模具使用寿命,安全性高。 ·电器保护装置,无误动作发生,维护操作人员安全。 ·射座可方便升降,方便模具、原料更换。 标准配置: ·安全电眼装置·自动故障显示及停机 ·液压顶出装置·轻触式面板数位电控 ·螺杆自动松退装置·双押扣开关安全起动装置 ·紧急停止安全开关·快速合模,低压安全锁模装置 ·料管多段式温控装置·比例式液压回路控制
Shenzhen DBRON Machinery Co.,Ltd.is Asia`s most specialized vertical injection molding machine,aspcial injection molding machine manufacturing companies.The company aims to set up the mostconcerted effort to provide customers with an integrated injection molding solutions to customers responsibility required,for which we have the following The production process;Requirements to listen to the delivery of engineering research and development of product testing guests(including training in the use of guests)Long-term follow-up service.To undergraduate engineering-based research and development,college students for the production of technical backbone of the team,and with South China University of Technology,the new polymer state Research Center.DBRON I machine makes a lasting ability to innovate,high-tech production capacity,so as injection molding industry A series of high-tech,high-precision,high-speed vertical injection molding macine.High-velocity injection molding machine(firing rate up to 600mm/Sec),multi-color multi-material injection molding machines,injection molding machines with automatic drawing,environmental protection and energy-sacing injection molding Machines.
Experinced years of efforts,NEW DBRON machinery in terms of machine performance,quality,price,after-sales service have been the industry`s love and the injection molding Recognition,thus the industry to build a high reputation and brand reliability.NEW DBRON will also continue its efforts in research and innovation,enhance technical capacity.For the industry to provide provide better injection molding solutions.
