※ 采用日本伺服驱动控制系统台湾触摸屏。
Adopts Japanese servo mechanism and Taiwan touch screen
※ 押料胶轮采用电动调整,方便调机操作,更加人性化。
Rubber wheel be adjusted by motorized, easy to adjust, more personal.
※ 可钉单钉、双钉、加强钉一次性完成,能适合不同客户对钉种的要求。
Single/, double// and strengthen nail // / / // are available, be finished one time, it can meet different requirements of different clients.
※ 一分钟快速变换尺寸,操作容易不需经验。
It can change size only one minute, fast, needn’t experience.

※ 送纸部自动计数,成束后送出捆绑。
Feeding part automatically counting, sending and bundling.
※ 人机界面操控,方便操作,可显示电路发生故障的地方,便于维修。
Human-machine operation panel, easy to operate, display the trouble locate and easy for maintenance.
※ 附钉线用完后,钉线绞线自动报警装置(避免无钉线时产生漏钉,少钉的不良品)。
Automatic alarm when nail is over. (to avoid nail sick or less nail).

※ 后段自动计数,做好的成品个数可按设定数量(1-99)分叠送至输送机末端(方便捆扎)。
With automatic counting function, the finished products can be conveyed to the end of delivery part depend on set quantity (1-99), easy for bundling.
※ 半成品钉合到做成品摆放好只须两人操作,操作简单方便,减少薪资。
Only need two operators from semi-produce making to final products assortment consequently reducing cost of human resources and easy to operate.

普通打钉机 每分钟280钉 价格3500元