作为山东聚丰橡胶有限公司的轮胎销售人员,首先对【工程机械轮胎】这14/90-16个型号和大家做个简单的介绍:工程机械轮胎较多用于矿用自卸车、装载机。高强力尼龙胎体结构 ,承载能力强,具有较好的耐磨性、耐切割性,无方向性花纹使轮胎具有良好的牵引性能和防滑性能,适合建筑、市政施工、土石方作业等环境。部分技术参数如下:
型号 | 层级 | 标准轮辋 | 最大负荷 | 相应气压 | 新胎断面宽 | 新胎外直径 |
14/90-16 | 18 | 8.50 | 1150 | 330 | 315 | 1020 |
在技术部门人员的努力下,目前我们生产的工程机械轮胎采用进口天然胶和丁苯胶等有机配合,剔除回收胶的使用,工程胎帘布胶所有炭黑均采用湿法炭黑。 辅以良好的硫化技术,使该类轮胎的性能达到并赶超了国内一流轮胎的使用效果,尤其是耐磨度、摩擦力、耐用时间、变形率等,都取得了优良的效果!同时可以装配各种丁基内胎以及轮辋轮毂,深受国内莱州,青州,徐州等装载机工厂客户的青睐,并且远销到肯尼亚,巴西,南美,南非等许多国家。
山东聚丰橡胶有限公司位于山东省高密市醴泉工业园盛泉街1518号,东临美丽的旅游城市青岛,西依风筝都潍坊,境内胶济铁路、胶新铁路、济青高速公路纵横贯穿,距青岛国际机场50 公里,具有良好的区位优势和便利的交通条件。 客服QQ:1191215758
公司创建于2000 年。2008 年,成立中美合资企业——潍坊圣基橡胶有限公司。厂区占地面3 万多平方米,建筑面积达1.8万平方米,资产总额8000 万元。公司拥有完善的轮胎生产、检测和原材料化验设备,主要生产大中小型农用车轮胎,拖拉机轮胎,工业叉车(铲车)轮胎、中小型工程机械轮胎、(水田高花)稻田轮胎、I-1联合收割机轮胎等多大系列200 多个品种和规格。
公司以德经商,诚信经营,多次被政府主管部门授予 “诚信民营企业”、“质量信得过企业”、“劳动关系和谐企业”、“守合同重信用企业”等荣誉称号。公司通过了ISO9001 国际质量体系认证和国家“CCC”认证,拥有自营进出口权。
公司生产的R-1人字农用轮胎比较适合微耕机,田园管理机,拖拉机,联合收割机等,具有良好的牵引力和抓取力,用于一般的田间作业以及短途运输,为农业机械车辆普遍采用的驱动轮胎,主要型号包括如下:3.50-5 , 3.50-6 , 3.50-8 , 4.00-7 , 4.00-8 , 4.00-10 , 4.00-12 , 4.00-14 , 4.00-16 , 4.50-10 , 5.00-7 , 5.00-8 , 5.00-9 , 5.00-10 , 5.00-12 , 5.00-14 , 5.50-13 , 5.50-17 , 6.00-9 , 6.00-12 , 6.00-14 , 6.00-16 , 6.50-16 , 7.00-16 , 7.50-16 , 7.50-20 , 8.00-16 , 8.30-20 , 8.30-22 , 8.30-24 , 9.50-20 , 9.50-24 , 11.2-24 , 11.2-28 ,11.2-38 , 12.4-24 , 12.4-28 , 14.9-24 , 14.9-28 , 14.9-30 , 16.9-24,16.9-28, 16.9-30 , 16.9-34 , 16.9-38 , 18.4-30 , 18.4-34 , 18.4-38, 20.8-38......
公司生产的R-2水田高花轮胎适用于拖拉机在土壤湿度大、较泥泞的田间作业,具有较好的自洁性和通过性,花纹深度比普通型花纹深一倍左右,该花纹有较好的抓着性。主要型号包括:6.00-12 , 6.50-16 , 7.50-16 , 8.30-20 , 8.30-24 , 9.50-24 , 11.2-24 , 12.4/11-28......
公司生产的F-2农用导向花纹轮胎适合用于耕整地作业和短途运输作业,可与普通型号拖拉机驱动轮胎互相配合,具有良好的导向性能和防止侧滑功能,主要型号包括如下:4.00-12 , 4.00-14 , 4.00-16 , 4.50-14 , 5.00-14 , 5.00-15 , 6.00-16 , 6.50-20......
公司生产的RIB,LUG花纹轮胎滚动阻力小,防侧滑性能好,省燃油,经济性极佳。主要型号包括 :4.00-8 , 4.00-10 , 4.00-12 , 4.00-14 , 4.50-10 , 4.50-14 , 4.50-16 , 5.00-10 , 5.00-12 , 5.00-14 , 5.00-15 , 5.50-16 , 6.00-14 , 6.00-16 , 6.50-16 ,7.00-16,7.50-16,7.50-20,8.25-16,9.00-20 ,11.00-16......
公司生产的OTR工程花纹轮胎较多用于矿用自卸车、装载车。高强力尼龙胎体结构 ,承载能力强,具有较好的耐磨性、耐切割性,无方向性花纹使轮胎具有良好的牵引性能和防滑性能,适合建筑、市政施工、土石方作业等环境。主要型号包括如下:7.50-16 , 8.25-16 , 9.00-16 , 9.00-20 , 10.00-16 , 11.00-16 , 12.00-16 , 14/90-16 , 15.00-16 , 16/70-16 , 16/90-16 , 16/70-20 , 16/70-24 , 17.5-25 , 18/90-16 , 20.5/70-16 , 20.5-25 , 23.5-25 , 26.5-25 , 29.5-25......
公司生产的ID工业轮胎具有较好的耐磨性、耐切割性,适用于各类叉车,铲车等。主要型号如下:4.00-8,5.00-8,6.00-9,6.00-14 、6.50-10,7.00-9,7.00-12,7.00-15 8.25-12,8.25-15,18*7-8,21*8-9 、28*9-15,10-16.5,12-16.5......
Shandong Jufeng Rubber Co., Ltd. is located in Gaomi, Shandong Province, 1518 Shengquan St. Liquan Industrial Park, east of the beautiful tourist city of Qingdao. Near us are Weifang, the kite capital, and the territory within Jiaoji Railway, Jiaoxin Railway. With Jinan-Qingdao highway running through, only 50 km from Qingdao International Airport, we also enjoy a good geographical advantage and convenient traffic conditions.
Our company was founded in 2000, and in 2008, the establishment of Sino-US joint venture - Saint Rubber Co., Ltd. of Weifang was formed. Thisplant has more than 30,000 square meters of ground, construction area of 18,000 square meters, and total assets of 80 million Yuan. The company has improved tire production, testing, and material testing equipment. We mainly produce large and small agricultural tires, industrial tires, small and medium projects tires, rice tires, and I-1 tire five series of over 200 varieties and specifications.
Our products in the international market are mainly exported to the U.S., Australia, South Africa, Europe, Southeast Asia and other countries and regions. The domestic markets include Foton, Fujin Longjiang Tractor Co. Ltd., Weifang Tractor Group Co. Ltd., Changchun Tractor Group Co.Ltd, and many othercompanies and enterprises which support our tires.
This company has a proven track record for outstanding business ethics and integrity. It has been recognized many times by government authorities and awarded the "integrity of private enterprise”, "Quality Trustworthy Enterprise", "Labor Relationship”, "Credible Enterprise", and many other awards. Our company has also passed the ISO9001 international quality system certification and "CCC" certification, import and export right.
(R-1)Excellent design for tractors, close touch with the ground, to provide enough friction, good performance in farming uses and daily transportation, and good resistance to abrasion. Include: 3.50-5 / 3.50-6 / 3.50-8 / 4.00-7 / 4.00-8 / 4.00-10 / 4.00-12 / 4.00-14 / 4.00-16 / 4.50-10 / 5.00-7 / 5.00-8 / 5.00-9 / 5.00-10 / 5.00-12 / 5.00-14 / 5.50-13 / 5.50-17 / 6.00-9 / 6.00-12 / 6.00-14 / 6.00-16 / 6.50-16 / 7.00-16 / 7.50-16 / 7.50-20 / 8.00-16 / 8.30-20 / 8.30-22 / 8.30-24 / 9.50-20 / 9.50-24 / 11.2-24 / 11.2-28 /11.2-38 / 12.4-24 ,/ 12.4-28 / 14.9-24 / 14.9-28 / 14.9-30 / 16.9-24/16.9-28/ 16.9-30 / 16.9-34 / 16.9-38 / 18.4-30 / 18.4-34 / 18.4-38/ 20.8-38......
(F-2)This tyre applies to short-distance transportation and field operation, matched with the driving wheel of tractors, has a good performance-oriented and anti-slip properties. Include: 4.00-12 / 4.00-14 / 4.00-16 / 5.00-15 / 5.50-16 / 6.00-16 / 6.50-20......
(RIB)The tyres have small rolling resistance and side slip-preventing. Can save oil and very beneficial. Include: 4.00-8 / 4.00-10 / 4.00-12 /4.00-14/4.00-16/4.00-19/4.50-10/5.00-10/5.00-14/5.00-15/5.50-16/6.00-14/ 6.00-16/6.50-16/7.00-16/7.50-16/7.50-18/7.50-20/8.25-16/8.25-20/9.00-20/10.00-16/10.00-20/11.00-16/11.00-20......
We are specialized in manufacturing agricultral tyres of types and sizeswith reasonable price and high quality,If you are interested in it,please feel free to contact us though jftyre@hotmail.com.or visit our website:http://writerbbs.cn.alibaba.com